Green House
Tarte Tatin

Tarte Tatin

gezüchtet von Green House Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Tarte Tatin ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Green Houses Tarte Tatin ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Green Houses Tarte Tatin Beschreibung

Green House Seeds Tarte Tatin The Tarte Tatin is the new addition to the Green House Seed catalog, with a beautiful new expression of flavors and sweetness. We used the great Caramel Apple Gelato, selected from Compound Genetics for its beautiful calyx structure and potent smell, and crossed it with our extremely sweet and powerful King’s Tart. Combining both tastes in a beautiful explosion of flavors that can be compared to the famous Tarte Tatin dessert, a strong caramelized vanilla-apple taste with a background of cream and chocolate, that reminds the old times of the Chocolope, but with a newer touch. The apple and vanilla on top of it, and finally a light creaminess will complete the flavor, like a hint of Chantilly cream on top of your Tarte, beautiful!

The Tarte Tatin grows very vigorously and has a low leaf to flower ratio, forming beautiful flowers with a very low number of leaves inside, making it a treat when trimming time comes! The plants kept the big calyx structure from the C.A.G, with even more trichome production induced by our King’s Tart.

The result is a beautiful and aesthetic flower that will stretch with medium-length nodes, forming flowers all along the stem without closing up together. At the end of flowering, each flower site will develop its own beautiful bud. It does not have a big flowering stretch and will double its size once in the flowering phase, with medium-sized stems that will stand straight, pointing at the sky.

By the end of flowering, some phenotypes can express some beautiful blue and dark purple hues, inherited from the Caramel Apple Gelato’s colorful flowers.

The taste of the caramel apple gelato is very smooth, ranging from the caramelized apple taste to that sweet vanilla chocolate, and finally, a hint of creaminess it will fill your mouth with its sweetness. A beautiful smoke from morning till nighttime.

The effects are strong, fast hitting and will last for a while, giving a smooth body feeling and some light head buzz, it also gives a good amount of energy to stay active during the day.

Flowering Cycle: 8-9 Weeks
Yield: High

Harvest: End of September.
Yield: 1300g/plant
Average Height: 150-250cm

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Tarte Tatin Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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