Trichome Kings
No Ragrets

No Ragrets

gezüchtet von Trichome Kings

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Infos vom Züchter

No Ragrets ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Trichome Kings' No Ragrets ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Trichome Kings' No Ragrets Beschreibung

Trichome Kings No Ragrets Strain Name: No Ragrets

Strain Type: Hybrid

Parent Strains: Debbie Does Dallas #4 x God's Green Crack Extractor edition

No Ragrets is a powerful and invigorating hybrid strain that combines the genetics of two legendary strains, Debbie Does Dallas #4 and God's Green Crack Extractor edition. This exquisite crossbreed inherits the best characteristics from both parents and offers a truly unique and memorable experience.

With its balanced hybrid nature, No Ragrets provides users with a well-rounded high that fuses uplifting euphoria and deep relaxation. This strain boasts an impressive THC content, ranging between 20% to 25%, ensuring a potent and enjoyable ride. Novice and experienced users alike will appreciate the delightful effects that No Ragrets provides.

The aroma of No Ragrets is complex, blending together sweet and earthy undertones with spicy notes. The initial scent is reminiscent of fresh pine, instantly awakening the senses. Upon closer inspection, hints of lemon and wildflowers delicately merge, creating an alluring and intoxicating fragrance.

The flavor profile of No Ragrets is equally delightful, with a combination of sweet citrus and tangy pine hitting the taste buds on inhalation. On the exhale, a unique blend of earthy notes and tropical fruits lingers, leaving an unforgettable aftertaste. The smoothness of the smoke ensures a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all users.

No Ragrets primarily showcases its sativa-dominant traits with an initial burst of uplifting euphoria. Within minutes, a surge of energy and creativity awakens the mind, making this strain perfect for those seeking inspiration or engaging in social activities. As the cerebral effects peak, No Ragrets uplifts the spirits, providing a positive and euphoric mindset.

While the sativa effects dominate, No Ragrets also inherits some indica tendencies from its Debbie Does Dallas #4 lineage. As the initial euphoria begins to subside, a soothing and calming sensation washes over the body. This duality allows users to experience a harmonious balance between mental invigoration and physical relaxation.

When used in moderation, No Ragrets can be enjoyed during the day without overwhelming the senses. It is an excellent choice for enhancing creativity, socializing with friends, or tackling artistic projects. However, those seeking a more sedative or therapeutic experience can indulge in higher doses at night, as No Ragrets gently eases tension and alleviates mild pain and stress.

Cultivating No Ragrets can be a rewarding experience for intermediate to advanced growers. This strain demonstrates moderate resistance to common molds, pests, and diseases, making it relatively easy to manage. Its flowering period ranges from 8-9 weeks, with average to above-average yields. No Ragrets thrives both indoors and outdoors, providing ample opportunities for cultivation.

If you are looking for a strain that offers an unforgettable experience, with the blending of Debbie Does Dallas #4 and God's Green Crack Extractor edition genetics, No Ragrets is the perfect choice. Allow yourself to embrace the blissful euphoria, unleash your creativity, and find solace in its calming presence. Experience No Ragrets today and embark on a journey that will leave you with absolutely no regrets.

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