East Coast Cultivars
Sweet Cream

Sweet Cream

gezüchtet von East Coast Cultivars

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Infos vom Züchter

Sweet Cream ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. East Coast Cultivars' Sweet Cream ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

East Coast Cultivars' Sweet Cream Beschreibung

East Coast Cultivars Sweet Cream These plants typically grow very tall, so plan accordingly if you're going to restrict their environment indoors. It is common for the inexperienced grower to see them stretch into the ceiling after initiating bloom. If you train these plants, be gradual with their adjustments, as they would prefer to grow without physical interruption. Don't be afraid to blast them with excessive PPFD levels, as they enjoy as much photons as they can get at all stages of development. Outdoors, Sweet Cream does phenomenal since they require a deeper-than-wide root space to truly thrive. I have also seen these plants grow right next to plants with PM, but didn't find even the slightest spot of it on Sweet Cream. They eat up all of their nutrients quickly and enjoy a consistent level of medium amounts of moisture with an occasional saturation. Some specimens, especially the green phenotypes, will want a slightly higher dose of K nutrients, otherwise you might see some purpling on the stems.

If you're looking for frost coverage and loud terpenes from any of my lines, look no further. Sweet Cream carries the dominant genetic trait of Platinum via my selection of Sugar Cane, which pretty much guarantees snow-covered flowers no matter how good or bad you grow them. This batch of seed, however, produces really strong frames with larger, more bloated foxtail bract formations. By looking at them, you'd believe they were really airy, but that is just not the case upon smoking a properly grown and cured harvest.

Listed above, you can find any combo of those terpene profiles. The most common is soda and a blend of various fruits, followed by sugar. In some combinations, the sugar is present but it changes the overall expression, with the resulting profile smelling/tasting like the candied version of a natural flavor. The plants that end up the loudest will absolutely start stinking in their vegetative cycle. So if you're hunting for something super terpy, you can accelerate that selection process and make room for more by culling early.

Bloom time: 49 to 63 days
Stretch: 2x -4x
Effect: indica
Yield: heavy
Aromas/flavors: soda, fruit punch, sugar, pastries, citrus, grape, chemicals
Lineage: Sugar Cane x Boston Cream Pie
Extended lineage: (Platinum x Slurricane) x (Mendocino Ménage a Trois x Putang)

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

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