Dank Flow Genetics
Salami Glue

Salami Glue

gezüchtet von Dank Flow Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Salami Glue ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Dank Flow Genetics' Salami Glue ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dank Flow Genetics' Salami Glue Beschreibung

Dank Flow Genetics Salami Glue Salami Glue(GG4 x Salami Leg) has been my heart and soul for the last 5 years.
She’s my flagship cultivar here at Dank Flow Genetics and she is my pride and joy.
My Salami Glue #19 stud has been aptly named Third Leg. His vigor and structure come to light in all of his offspring.

With this project, I’ve aimed to shatter the notion that there can be “only one” prime candidate for breeding stock for any given cultivar.

There’s some notable differences to each version of the Salami Glue. However, all versions crave a high ec diet and thrive under high intensity lighting. If left unchecked, they can rapidly break formation.

Batch specific details:

Salami Glue F2 V1
(Salami Glue 41 x Third Leg)

Meaty + gassy aromas with high yielding dense flowers that stack beautifully. If you’re looking for the GG4 leaners, this ones for you! Low profile structure makes her perfect for indoors.

Salami Glue F2 V2
(Salami Glue 42 x Third Leg)

Bubblegum + mixed berries clash brilliantly together with above average yields and fluffy nugs. Great for people in more tropical/humid climates. Nugs tend to space themselves out a bit more with this version, 2-3x stretch! Be mindful of stretch indoors.

Salami Glue F2 V3
(Salami Glue 44 x Third Leg)

Lemongrass, pine and citrus come together in harmony for a sweet and refreshing sensation. Previously my go-to for morning tokes, the mother in this version of Salami Glue sparks creativity and can help with anxiety. As someone who struggles with anxiety, this version truly holds a special place in my heart. Her yields vary, depending on pheno, from average to high yielding, but all phenos carry the rock hard bud structure that the GG4 mother was notorious for.

Salami Glue F2 V4
(Salami Glue 49 x Third Leg)

Meaty, garlic, citrus and blue razzberry bliss, all balled up into one rather unique version of Salami Glue. The Romberry and Garlic Breath really shine through here. Offspring from this batch tend to throw tall spears that are coated in resin. The flavor coming from these buds can only be described as umami.

*Danks pick

Salami Glue F2 V5
(Salami Glue 52 x Third Leg)

Bubblegum + gassy terps combine to create the ultimate old school flavor that I’ve come to know and love. This ones for my oldheads. Fluffy yet chunky nug structure. Bag filler. Heavyweight champion of the Salami Glue project thus far. Plants grow tall and bushy with plenty of internodal stacking.

Heavy feed schedule recommended
Heavy yields
Great for hash making
Requires daily training
Drought tolerant and high pest/pathogen resistance
Does great indoors and out!

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Salami Glue Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Salami Glue Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Salami Glue in unserer dynamischen Karte

Salami Glue Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Third Leg
Salami Glue

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