South Bay Genetics
Gorilla OG

Gorilla OG

gezüchtet von South Bay Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Gorilla OG ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. South Bay Genetics' Gorilla OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

South Bay Genetics' Gorilla OG Beschreibung

Gorilla OG, a remarkable hybrid strain, emerges as a captivating blend of two iconic cultivars—Gorilla Glue #4 and Josh D OG Kush. This carefully orchestrated fusion brings together the best attributes of both parent strains, resulting in a potent and flavorful cannabis experience that commands attention.

The genetics of Gorilla OG boast the exceptional stability and resin production inherited from Gorilla Glue #4. Renowned for its adhesive-like resin and dense buds, this parentage contributes to Gorilla OG's impressive visual appeal and high trichome content. The strain's nugs are often generously coated in a shimmering layer of crystals, testifying to its potency.

The aroma of Gorilla OG is a delightful combination of earthy and diesel notes inherited from the Gorilla Glue lineage, coupled with the sweet and piney undertones associated with Josh D OG Kush. This complex bouquet creates a sensory experience that is both pungent and inviting.

In terms of effects, Gorilla OG delivers a powerful and well-rounded experience. The high THC content inherited from Gorilla Glue #4 combines with the euphoric and uplifting qualities of Josh D OG Kush, creating a balanced and harmonious effect. Users often report a sense of relaxation and euphoria, making Gorilla OG suitable for both daytime and evening use.

Medicinally, Gorilla OG may appeal to individuals seeking relief from conditions such as chronic pain, stress, and mood disorders. The strain's diverse cannabinoid profile and terpene composition contribute to its therapeutic potential, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Gorilla OG stands as a testament to the art of cannabis breeding, combining two powerhouse strains to create a unique and compelling hybrid. Whether you're drawn to its impressive resin production, complex aroma, or balanced effects, Gorilla OG is a strain that leaves a lasting impression on both cannabis enthusiasts and medical users alike.

Mother: Gorilla Glue #4 (Clone Only)
Father: Josh D OG Kush

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Gorilla OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Gorilla OG Stammbaum-Karte

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