Anesia Seeds
Future Island

Future Island

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Future Island ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Future Island ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Future Island Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Future Island For the latest Future experience, we crossed our two most potent strains, the legendary Future #1 with our beast Imperium X. This 70% sativa will set new benchmarks for cannabinoid and terpene content. We wanted to experience what happens when we add even more genes of our unique Future #1 to our Imperium X. If you are looking for a narcotic and extremely psychedelic high, rest assured you have found just the right strain in Future Island.

Future Island is an extremely potent hybrid that hits fast and with tremendous impact. She delivers an energizing and euphoric high that also has psychedelic elements and expands the senses. At the same time, the effect is extremely physically relaxing and creates a floating feeling of lightness and a positive mood. This strain is suitable to experience sensual experiences and to engage in a deep high. It is suitable for creative work, relaxation in the evening and free time, but in no case when you need to be concentrated. Beginners will often find her too strong and should be careful with her. Overall, the dosage should be adjusted carefully.

The buds reach an amazing size and density. Throughout the flowering period, they accumulate a thick glistening layer of resin on their surface resulting from an intriguing resin production. With 500 g/m² indoors and up to 1kg per plant outdoors, it is one of the high-yielding strains that are also interesting for commercial cultivation.

Growing Future Island
Future Island thrives on an adequate and well-coordinated supply of nutrients. To develop its full potential, it needs a lot of light, good soil and an excellent climate. Make sure that there is adequate air circulation around the buds, especially towards the end of the flowering period. Pruning the lowest branches in favor of the upper and stronger ones has a positive effect on growth structure and yields. Indoors we recommend lollypopping and outdoor topping for best results.

Therapeutic effects
Future Island is wonderfully strong and eliminates all bad feelings. Medicinally, its potency and balanced cannabinoid profile makes it particularly useful for combating pain, depression, nausea, and symptoms of stress and overwork.

Genetics: 70% Sativa / 30% Indica
Future #1 x Imperium X
Yield: 650g/m² • 800-1400 g/plant
Flowering time: 9 to 10 weeks
Harvest Outdoors: end of september
suitable for indoors and outdoors
Height: 130-160 cm • 200-270 cm
THC: +34%
Aromas / flavors: exotic fruits, mint

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