Anesia Seeds
Future #1

Future #1

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

Hier findest du alle Infos zu Future #1 von Anesia Seeds. Wenn du nach Infos zu Future #1 von Anesia Seeds suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Galerie, Rezensionen, Abstammung / Genealogie, Hybriden / Kreuzungen oder Kommentare zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst - oder durchsuche alle Future #1 Sorten (2) bzw. alle Future Sorten (±6) um eine andere Version von einem anderen Züchter zu finden. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

Future #1 ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Future #1 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Future #1 Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Future #1 Genetics: 50% Indica, 50% Sativa
Yield: 500g/m² • up to 700g per plant
Flowering time: 9-10 weeks
Harvest outdoors: begin of october
suitable for indoors and outdoors
Height: 110-130cm
THC: 37%
Aromas / flavors: pineapple, mango

There are now some cannabis strains that regularly reach THC levels of 30% and more. Nevertheless, among the large number of different varieties of different seed banks, these strains are comparatively rare. Some varieties of the Anesia Seedbank are among the strongest cannabis strains worldwide. Our latest breed, Future # 1, showed a massive and incredible 37% THC-level in repeated lab tests. Some of you will think, that can not be and we thought so too. Why breed a strain that is so strong? We want to be honest, it has become a certain sports for us and we wanted to see how far we can come and what is possible. It has cost us a lot of work and a lot of effort but the result even astonishes us.

Future # 1 achieved the highest THC content we have ever seen, even if this was not considered possible from a physical point of view for a long time. And that may mean a lot. Our Future # 1 was created from a cross between our most potent and famous Gorilla Glue # 4 with an outstanding and lengthy selected Starfighter F2. So far, the common belief is that the absolute physical limit of THC content is 35%. But our Future # 1 has repeatedly proven the opposit. Even if it was not possible to conclusively clarify how it could happen until now, it is assumed that its extreme resin production makes it possible.

The THC content is just one side of an outstanding high. Also decisive is the terpene profile and the content of other cannabinoids in one variety. Besides the strength, our breeding work also targeted the aroma. In addition to an intense pineapple aroma and versatile citrus aromas, our new variety is accompanied by a strong note of mango. The proportion of myrcene, nerodiol and limonene is particularly high and perfects the effect by additionally strengthening it. The taste is thereby a true sweet fruity experience that makes you want more.

Future # 1 is a highly potent hybrid, whose effects start quickly and with great energy. It provides a stimulating, strongly euphoric high that also has psychedelic elements and expands the senses. At the same time, the effects are extremely physically relaxing and create a floating feeling of lightness and positive mood. This strain is suitable for sensual experiences and to get involved in a deep high. It is suitable for creative work, evening relaxation and leisure, but in no case when you need to be focused. Beginners will often find her too strong and should be careful with her. Overall, the dosage should be adjusted gingerly.

The flowers reach an amazing size and density. Throughout the flowering period, they pile up a thick glittering layer of resins on their surface what is a result of the enormous resin production. With 500 g m² indoors and up to 1kg per plant outdoors, it is one of the high-yielding varieties that are also interesting for commercial cultivation.

Growing Future #1
Future # 1 thrives on a sufficient and well-balanced nutritional intake. In order to reach its full potential, it needs lots of light, good soil and an excellent climate. Make sure that there is sufficient air circulation around the flowers, especially towards the end of flowering. Pruning the bottom branches in favor of the upper and higher ones has a positive effect on growth pattern and yields. Indoors we recommend lollypopping and outdoors topping for best results.

Medical Use
Future # 1 is wonderfully strong and eliminates all bad feelings. From a medical point of view, due to its strength and concerted cannabinoid profile, it is particularly suitable for controlling pain, depression, nausea and symptoms of stress and overwork.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Future #1 Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von einem Gärtner zu Future #1 gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Blütezeit Indoor
65 - 75 Tage (±70 Tage)
Ernte-Menge Indoor
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist hoch
Gesamteindruck Indoor
Future #1 ist alles in allem ein durchaus guter Strain
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist stark und wirkt anhaltend
User Bewertung
Future #1 kommt im Durchschnitt auf 7.33 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

» Neu » bisher keine (homogen??)

Mehr Infos:

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Future #1 Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen Future #1 Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 9 Bilder von Anesia Seeds' Future #1 gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere Future #1 Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

Future #1 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Future #1 Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Future #1 in unserer dynamischen Karte

Future #1 Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Auto Future #1
Future #1 x Unknown Ruderalis
Captain Future
Future #1 x Emperor Cookies
Epic Buzz
Future #1 x Blackberry Moonrocks
Future Island
Future #1 x Imperium X
Imperium X
{City of God x The White Angel} x Future #1
Alien Gorilla Pimp
Mac 1 x Future #1

Karte der Future #1 Nachfahren

Wenn du an einem grossen Bildschirm sitzt und nicht am Handy, schau dir auch unsere dynamische Karte mit allen bekannten Future #1 Kreuzungen und Nachfahren an! (aber es kann eventuell ein bisschen dauern bis alle Daten geladen und verarbeitet wurden!)

Kommentare zu Future #1

Alles in Allem haben wir 1 Benutzerkommentar über Anesia Seeds' Future #1 zusammengetragen. Leider ist bisher kein einziger Kommentar auf Deutsch verfasst worden, deswegen zeigen wir dir hier ersteinmal die Englischen Kommentare:

- 10.01.2021

Kommentar ist mit Future #1 Steckbrief verknüpft!

Purchased due to THC 30%+ but as previously experienced with high THC varieties the high is clear and can be confused with a lack of strength... if compared to an indica that relaxes racing thoughts, or a sativa that can cause black outs.

I bred with this and the offspring were haze or shortbread ginger/lemon, hinting at the dominant players behind the THC content (ie haze and sfv og).

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