Cali Connection
Strawberry Delight

Strawberry Delight

gezüchtet von The Cali Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Delight ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Cali Connections Strawberry Delight ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Cali Connections Strawberry Delight Beschreibung

The Cali Connection Strawberry Delight Strawberry Delight Prepare yourself for a journey of pure delight with the enchanting Strawberry Delight! It's like Ingmars White Widow and Strawberry OG joined forces to create a plant that's not just a dream, but a true grower's paradise! Get ready to dive into a world where ease of growth meets robust yields and flavors that'll leave you craving for more! Imagine a plant that's like a gift from the gardening gods – it's like Strawberry Delight was designed to make your green thumb shine. Easy to grow? Oh, you betcha! It's like this plant knows exactly what it needs and practically takes care of itself. It's like a guardian angel of your garden, ensuring your growing journey is smooth sailing all the way! And when it comes to yields, picture a center kola that's like the crown jewel of the garden. It's solid, it's abundant, and it's like the heart of Strawberry Delight's bountiful offerings. But wait, there's more – the lateral branching on this beauty is like a work of art. It's like nature's way of saying, "Let's create a masterpiece!" With a little training love, you can encourage this plant to grow sideways, becoming a robust spectacle that's bound to impress. Oh, and training? Strawberry Delight is like the hardcore queen of training! It's like BDSM is her crutch, and she's all about embracing the hardcore techniques. Whether you're into topping, super cropping, or any other training adventure, this plant is ready to indulge your gardening fantasies! Now, let's talk about scent – imagine a symphony of berries with just a hint of hash, all rounded off with a complex musky vanilla cream note. It's like your nose is in for a fragrant journey, a roller coaster of aromas that'll have you daydreaming about it all day long. It's a scent that's as sweet and indulgent as a dessert, yet with a touch of mystery that keeps you captivated. And the flavor? Oh, it's a tantalizing dance on your taste buds! Imagine a sweet and pungent taste that's like a love affair between your palate and Strawberry Delight's bold flavors. It's like each puff is a romantic rendezvous that lingers on, leaving you with a taste that's both unforgettable and oh-so-satisfying. But that's not all – get ready for extracts that are like a fragrant symphony for your senses! With a terpene profile that's on a whole new level of intensity, Strawberry Delight's extracts are like a fragrant explosion waiting to be unleashed by extract artists. It's like they're lining up, eager to work their magic with these highly potent terpenes! So, get your gardening gloves ready and mark your calendars, because the flower time of 68-74 days is just around the corner! Strawberry Delight is here to steal your heart, ignite your senses, and leave you in awe of its easy growth, impressive yields, and a flavor journey that's pure bliss. Get ready for a garden adventure like no other! #DelightfulGardenMagic #FlavorfulFantasy #YieldExtravaganza

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Strawberry Delight Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Strawberry Delight Stammbaum-Karte

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