Annunaki Genetics


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Infos vom Züchter

Scentimental ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Annunaki Genetics' Scentimental ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Annunaki Genetics' Scentimental Beschreibung

Annunaki Genetics Scentimental Strawberry Mamba #4 x Purple Pineapple Express #4 (100% resistant to powdery mildew)
Mother: Strawberry Mamba is a plant of our own creation, and easily makes it into our top 5 of all time because she’s just so spectacular and unique. There are not many cannabis plants like her on the market that have giant trichomes smothering the light to bright pink flower buds, making it look like raspberries rolled in powdered sugar. But it’s the the overwhelming juicy scent of the freshest strawberry aroma on the market that really makes her stand out. We stand by this claim and until we are shown another plant with a truer strawberry scent, she sits atop that pedestal. The Strawberry Mamba high is also exceptional. Its fantastic really… a heavy-hitting, soaring, euphoric high that teeters on paranoia and raciness depending on the mood and environment, etc. We don’t foresee ourselves ever getting rid of this plant and are thrilled to offer more seeds made from her exquisite DNA because all of our previous strawberry crosses sell out quickly.
‘Father’: Purple Pineapple Express #4 is one of our favorite plants, and she just so happens to be one of the first crosses we ever made! Nearly 10 years ago, we used a beautiful Pineapple Express female and crossed her to a special non-serrate leaf Huckleberry Hound male. Each of the Purple Pineapple Express phenotypes were extremely nice in appearance, all expressing purple flowers with huge, fat buds and exceptional yields, but we decided to keep the #4 phenotype because of her sturdy stature, fantastic bud production, her insanely resinous pewter-purple flowers, and her stellar high. We grew PPE #4 for many years until we accidentally lost her for a while, only to receive her back from a HUGE clone facility in California that we had gifted her to previously. And she came back with good news– Customers absolutely loved growing her indoors and out in California and those same happy customers found her to be 100% resistant to powdery mildew! To us, this is one of the most special and important traits a cannabis plant can have, and is one more reason why we love PPE4 so much! This resistance to mildew was our primary motivation in using her as the pollen donor in this new fem line. She is so intolerant to powdery mildew that every plant in the garden can be completely covered in it and this plant, sitting right next to them and touching them, will NOT get it, and will stay 100% unaffected. While we imagine many of the plants in this line will show great resistance to powdery mildew, we did not purposely expose our plants to it during our trials, so we can’t speak to exact percentages or ratios of resistance, but we can say that we had zero instances of powdery mildew in our flower garden during the most critical, wet months of the cold-weather season.Generally speaking, plants from our Purple Pineapple Express line have tons of resin and color– most of the progeny produce dark buds ranging from light pink to deep, dark purple, with a couple standard green plants here and there. The fan leaves themselves are highly colorful, turning various shades of purple towards the middle to end of flower. Plants can also showcase a unique trait where the leaves are green on top and purple on the undersides. This certainly makes for a colorful garden! We also found that plants produce exceptionally nice flower structures that are large, fat, and rounded on top, just like we want them.

If one searches ‘Purple Pineapple Express’ on Google the first 3 pages of results show grow reports, smoke reports, PPE buds, concentrates, and clones for sale, which just goes to show how popular this plant has become over the years!

Scentimental seed plants may be our favorite in this line… It’s not easy for us to exclaim that we might like one of our children over the others, which are undoubtedly also very special, but we’ve just always had a special place for our Strawberry Mamba and Purple Pineapple Express plants. They are sentimental to us because they are of our own creations and we still keep and flower both of these in our garden after all these years. What makes these plants so special though is that every phentoype we grew was incredible! Every one of them could’ve been a keeper, and it was a hard choice to keep one, so we kept two. The colors, their aromas, the bud structures and yield, the resin, all of it! The aroma profile has a limited, but sweet range, consisting mostly of strawberries. From fresh true strawberry, to orange-strawberry, to strawberries n’ cream, to chocolate-covered strawberries, this seed cross is all strawberry! The plants structures were more or less perfect. We wouldn’t change them one bit. Same for the buds- resinous, large, full, and adundant, which has improved on the Strawberry Mamba buds which can be somewhat loose if the temps are not cool enough. The high is quite profound, heavy hitting at times, soaring and creative, which is where the ‘mental’ in Scentimental comes in! We are in love with this cross. Absolutely recommended for beginner growers.
8-9 week flower time.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Scentimental Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Scentimental Stammbaum-Karte

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