Cali Connection
Red Berry Tarz

Red Berry Tarz

gezüchtet von The Cali Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Red Berry Tarz ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Cali Connections Red Berry Tarz ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Cali Connections Red Berry Tarz Beschreibung

The Cali Connection Red Berry Tarz Red Berry Tartz Oh, prepare yourself for a tart and berrylicious adventure with none other than Red Berry Tartz! It's like Runtz and Strawberry OG joined forces to create a symphony of flavors that'll have your taste buds dancing with delight! Get ready to dive into a world where sweetness and structure collide to bring you a garden masterpiece! Can we just take a moment to appreciate the magic that Strawberry OG brought to the table? It's like it whispered secrets to Red Berry Tartz, giving it a beefed-up structure that's more solid than a rock concert. The result? An improved Runtz that's all about that center kola excellence and lateral branching that's like a network of awesomeness! It's like the plant itself is saying, "Check out my fantastic shape and branching – I'm ready to shine!" And guess what? Growing Red Berry Tartz is like a breeze, a walk in the park of plant cultivation. But here's the secret sauce: you'll want to be a bit of a hairstylist and give her some top and training love. It's like telling her, "Hey, girl, let's grow sideways and be the fullest, most fabulous version of ourselves!" By doing so, you're creating a plant that's a true showstopper. Yields? Oh, they're nice, my friend. But here's the twist – with some proper training, you can turn those nice yields into an explosion of plant goodness! It's like the plant's structure is saying, "Give me a little love, and I'll reward you with an abundance you won't believe!" Now, let's talk about the scent. Imagine a delightful blend where gas meets citrus and berry, all wrapped up in a sweet hash undertone. It's like your nose is in for a sensory adventure, a fragrant journey that's both invigorating and comforting. It's a scent that wraps around you like a cozy blanket, leaving you craving more of its enchanting aroma! And oh, the taste – it's like indulging in a dessert of the gods! Imagine a pungent flavor that coats your palate, leaving you in a state of pure ecstasy. It's like an exotic dance of taste that lingers on, a reminder of the flavor adventure you've embarked upon. But hold onto your gardening hats, because we're diving into the world of extracts! Brace yourself for some of the most fragrant extracts you've ever experienced. The terpene profile of Red Berry Tartz is like a fragrant symphony waiting to be transformed into aromatic masterpieces by extract artists far and wide. It's like they're lining up, eager to create fragrant wonders with these highly exotic terpenes! So, set your countdown clocks because the flower time is estimated to be 65-70 days of pure excitement and flavor celebration. Red Berry Tartz is here to steal the spotlight, tantalize your senses, and leave you in awe of its structure, scents, and mouthwatering flavors. Get ready for a journey that's as tantalizing as it is rewarding! #BerryTartzMagic #FlavorfulJourney #PlantPerfectio

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Red Berry Tarz Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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