Bluedog Genetics
Money Tree

Money Tree

gezüchtet von Bluedog Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Money Tree ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±53 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Bluedog Genetics' Money Tree ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Bluedog Genetics' Money Tree Beschreibung

Bluedog Genetics Money Tree Money Tree, A Powerful and Swift Hybrid

In the world of marijuana, the Money Tree variety emerges as a masterful cross between the legendary Money Maker, Lemon Tree, and the mythical Critical strains. This genetic combination results in an exceptional hybrid that combines the best of each lineage to offer a unique experience to both growers and consumers alike.

Efficient Growth and Extraordinary Yield

One of the most prominent attributes of the Money Tree is its rapid growth rate. Despite its incredibly fast flowering, this strain does not compromise on yield. Growers will appreciate its ability to flourish in record time without sacrificing the generosity of its harvest.

The Perfect Choice for Swift Growers

The Money Tree excels in producing abundant buds, making it a highly attractive option for commercial growers and those seeking quick and substantial results. If you’re looking for a variety that can meet the demands of high productions in shortened time periods, the Money Tree is a choice that won’t disappoint.

Resinous and Aromatic Flowers: A Delight for the Senses

The aesthetics and quality of Money Tree’s flowers are unparalleled. Each bud presents itself resinous, dense, and compact like rocks, which not only adds visual appeal but also potent cannabinoid content. The characteristic aroma is sweet, with citrus undertones stemming from its Lemon Tree heritage. This aromatic combination is an invitation to sensory pleasure.

Positive and Balanced Effects for Body and Mind

Consumers of the Money Tree can anticipate positive and balanced effects that embrace both the body and the mind. The experience is often accompanied by a deep relaxation that alleviates physical and mental tensions. This combination of effects makes the Money Tree an excellent choice for both moments of unwinding and creative activities. The Money Tree stands out as a powerful and fast-growing hybrid variety that appeals to both growers that are seeking substantial yields in a short amount of time. Its resinous flowers, captivating aroma, and balanced effects make this strain a valuable addition to the world of cannabis.

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Money Tree Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Money Tree Stammbaum-Karte

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