Elev8 Seeds
Lemon Gelato

Lemon Gelato

gezüchtet von Elev8 Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Lemon Gelato ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Elev8 Seeds' Lemon Gelato ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Elev8 Seeds' Lemon Gelato Beschreibung

We present Lemon Gelato by Elev8 Seeds, a feminised marijuana hybrid cross between Lemon Tree x Gelato33, two varieties with a high terpenes profile.

Lemon Gelato ancestors
On one hand Lemon Tree, a cross between Lemon Skunk x Sour Diesel, an awarded variety at the 2014 High Times Cannabis Cup in San Francisco characterised by its powerful aromas and flavours that remind us of a lemon tree.

It offers high THC levels of between 17-25% depending on the phenotype, with an effect initially euphoric and then more relaxing at the body level but leaving the mind clear.

On the other hand Lemon Skunk, a well-known variety as a Skunk marijuana phenotype which offers a powerful lemon flavour. It is a plant easy to cultivate. It inherits Old School genes that produce a long-lasting euphoric, cheerful and psychedelic effect that progresses to relaxation, being ideal to combat stress and depression.

Lemon Gelato cultivation
This encounter between flavour and potency titans produces a plant that develops vigorously with a bushy structure, the Lemon Tree strength and the Gelato colours.

Lemon Gelato is an easy to cultivate variety, an Indica dominant hybrid that requires a balanced diet both indoors and outdoors. It can be pruned to perform a SCROG cultivation, or also pruning the low plant parts and use smaller pots to provide a more vertical growth, in case of using the SOG method.

The buds are ready for harvest in just about 8-9 weeks of flowering, fully covered with a thick resin layer offering very powerful aromas. It is strongly recommended to use anti-odour systems such as carbon filters or Neutralizer to ensure that no residual odour escapes beyond the crop.

It offers a medium-high indoor production according to the cultivation method, and outdoors you can develop plants with a high production capacity with a large buds harvest as long as we provide optimal growing conditions.

The aromas and flavours are characterised by a powerful terpenes profile with fresh lemon mixed with the cookies sweetness and the Gelato 33 creaminess.

Lemon Gelato delivers an active and euphoric effect at first, and progresses to a more relaxing effect without knocking you out.

Elev8 Seeds Lemon Gelato info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Lemon Tree x Gelato33
Indica/Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: Medium-High
Outdoor yield: >600g per plant
THC: Feminised cannabis seed High

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