Dawg Star
GG 4

GG 4

gezüchtet von Dawg Star

Hier findest du alle Infos zu GG 4 von Dawg Star. Wenn du nach Infos zu GG 4 von Dawg Star suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen oder Abstammung / Genealogie zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

GG 4 ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Dawg Stars GG 4 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dawg Stars GG 4 Beschreibung

Dawg Star GG 4 GG #4 by Dawg Star comes from a special selection of the legendary GG #4 by GG Strains, which is smoked almost everywhere in the world thanks to its unique qualities and the fact that it’s an absolute game changer. Every grower should grow GG #4 at least once. This particular GG #4 has a much more sativa side to it and its effect is quite psychoactive.

Potent GG#4 Cannabis Seeds
How to grow GG #4 using grow lights
It’s a great strain to grow indoors, producing large central stems that grow bigger than most of its branches. It grows super-fast, so you’ll need to take care with how long you let it grow for before flipping the lights to the flowering period. You shouldn’t grow it for any longer than 20 days before switching to 12/12h; if you let it go for too long it may grow over 1.4m tall, which can be awkward to control indoors. In order to obtain the best possible results, we recommend growing 12 to 16 strains per square meter, which can produce over 400g of potent weed. It takes around 60-70 days to fully flower.

How to grow GG #4 outdoors
Outdoors it produces compact buds from top to bottom, and they tend to end up covered in a thick layer of THC-rich resin. It has an open structure that allows light and air to get in to the center of the plant, which is great if you live somewhere where it tends to rain a bit more than usual. It can reach up to 2.5m easily when grown in the ground, which can be an issue so you may want to train it using stakes or a trellis if possible. You’ll need to wait until the start of October to harvest this strain, and some plants may even take until the end of the month.

GG #4 | Intense psychoactive effects
It has quite a particular flavor, a combination of earthy flavors with pungent pine tones and a slight sweet and sour aftertaste – this combination at times can seem similar to chocolate. Its effect combines both intense relaxation and an energetic surge thanks to its high THC content.

Sativa/Indica: 65/35%
Flowering: 60-70 days indoors, 1.7-2.5m outdoors
Height: 0.7-1.7m indoors, 1.7-2.5m outdoors

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GG 4 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

GG 4 Stammbaum-Karte

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