Ganja Rebel Seeds
5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg)

5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg)

gezüchtet von Ganja Rebel Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Ganja Rebel Seeds' 5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Ganja Rebel Seeds' 5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) Beschreibung

Ganja Rebel Seeds 5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) The 5G's Yellow is my favorite of the 5G's line. The mother 5G's Yellow was a finalist in the 2011 Emerald Cup and tests at over 20% thc. Crossing it to the OG x Chemdog male adds more OG and Chemdog traits to a 5 way polyhybrid that already has OG x Chemdog as the mother of the male used to make the original F1 5G's. Basically we cross the 5G's Yellow back to it's Grandmother's brother on it's fathers side or it's great uncle. Either way it was a good idea.

Most phenos grow big fat buds on long branches covered white with frosty trichomes. They yield huge and are Chemdog dominant in many traits. They will have wider bladed leaves and take longer to flower.

The ones to look for are the ones with the most traits from the 5G's Yellow mom. They will have smaller buds with a more OG structure,the pistils will be a lighter color,they have thinner bladed leaves,and the smell will just be ridiculously good! This strain and these types of phenos are capable of putting out insane amounts of trichomes. If you find the one I describe you may want to hold onto it.

I've made F2's from the right selections and F3's are in the works for the future. Unfortunately the mom I cloned from this f1 to make the f2 was lost after cloning so I cannot bx to my dream pheno.

These are limited for now,get them if you can,you will find something very special and completely unique.

Flowering Time: 8.5 - 10.5 weeks
Outdoor Harvest: October 5th -15th
Environment: Indoor, Outdoor & Greenhouse
Genetics: (SD x F13)x(OG x Chemdog x C99) X (OG x Chemdog)
Filial Generation: F1
Strain Type: Indica/Sativa hybrid

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

5G's Yellow x (OG x Chemdawg) Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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