Desert King
Voice of The Four Winds

Voice of The Four Winds

gezüchtet von Desert King Mountain High Seed Co.

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Infos vom Züchter

Voice of The Four Winds ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Desert Kings Voice of The Four Winds ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Desert Kings Voice of The Four Winds Beschreibung

Desert King Mountain High Seed Co. Voice of The Four Winds Voice of the Four Winds unites a combination of genetics from all Four Corners of the Earth.This Hybrid offers a strong balance between Indica and Sativa effects. Genetics include a variety of Legendary Strains such as: Acapulco Gold, Durban Poison, Cinderella99, Querkle, OG Kush, Space Queen, Nepali OG, and OG Kush. The name Voice of the Four Winds comes from a psychedelic Native American ceremonial-type music album by Dik Darnell. Every phenotype (of which thereare many) is named in honor of different Native American Warriors & Spiritual leaders. Voice of The Four Winds is a Highly recommended cannabis strain.

Phenotypes include:

1)"Crazy Horse" This particular phenotype is named in honor of the Oglala Lakota Warrior known by the name of "Crazy Horse".

2) "Geronimo" This particular phenotype is named in honor of the Native American Warrior and Medicine Man known by the name of "Geronimo". Geronimo's real name "GoyaaBé" translates to "The One Who Yawns". True to its namesake, Voice of the Four Winds Geronimo is well suited for day and night use, perfect either for running in the hills with a band of fellow warriors, or for relaxing peacefully.

3)"King Lamonis Vision"

4) "Black Elk" or "Heáka Sápa" was a famous medicine man and holy man and "heyoka" of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) who lived in the present-day United States, primarily South Dakota. He was a second cousin of the war chief Crazy Horse. When Black Elk was nine years old, he was suddenly taken ill; he lay prone and unresponsive for several days. During this time he had a great vision in which he was visited by the Thunder Beings (Wakinyan), and taken to the Grandfathers — spiritual representatives of the six sacred directions: west, east, north, south, above, and below. These "... spirits were represented as kind and loving, full of years and wisdom, like revered human grandfathers." When he was seventeen, Black Elk told a medicine man, Black Road, about the vision in detail. Black Road and the other medicine men of the village were "astonished by the greatness of the vision."

5) "Wovoka" also known as Jack Wilson, was the Paiute religious leader who founded a second episode of the Ghost Dance movement. One of his chief sources of authority among Paiutes was his alleged ability to control the weather. He was said to have caused a block of ice to fall out of the sky on a summer day, to be able to end drought with rain or snow, to light his pipe with the sun, and to form icicles in his hands.

Yield: High (5-10+lbs possible outdoors)
Harvest Month Outdoor: October

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