Grape Inferno

Grape Inferno

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

Grape Inferno ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools Grape Inferno ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools Grape Inferno Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank Grape Inferno Thanks to our good friends at Norstar Genetics we bring you a new and exciting cross. The Nepali OG is very unusual and combined with the grape flavor of Querkle with undertones of Space queen this is one great smelling plant. Rock hard buds are produced even outdoors and in light dep. The buds are hard enough to shoot in a sling shot which adds to the total weight. The over all smell is of Hash mixed with fruits berries and cherries.

This amazing new cross is unlike any other TGAgenetics strain that has been created to date IMO. The combination of the rare Nepali OG with a hint of Querkle that adds a grape flavoring that makes you lick your lips. It also has an amazing Hash flavor from the Nepali. What I tasted was grape hash and a hint of Berries. It has hashy back ground taste that is very intriguing. The high is deep and thoughtful while also being very relaxing. While the grape flavor is in the forefront there are so many undertones, Hashy, Cherry, Earthy and Fruity with a hint of Vanilla, a true full experience of the taste spectrum.

Phenotypes: Mostly Nepali Dominant with a hint or grape taste and purple color from the querkle. Incredible colors can be achieved with proper growing methods.
Height: Medium to tall Stretch
Yield: Super hard dense buds lend to the weight of this strain but the hash returns are staggering!
High Type: Calming but very potent the flavor keeps you taking hit after hit until your nicely toasted. I was surprised how potent the hash was I took only two small hits and was smiling like a fool.
Taste/Aroma: Cherry, Grape, Fruit Punch, Vanilla, Hash and Berries
Best way to grow: Top Multiple Times to form an even Canopy

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Grape Inferno Galerie

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Grape Inferno Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Grape Inferno Stammbaum-Karte

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Grape Inferno Hybriden & Kreuzungen

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