Trichome Kings
The Mandala Effect

The Mandala Effect

gezüchtet von Trichome Kings

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Infos vom Züchter

The Mandala Effect ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Trichome Kings' The Mandala Effect ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Trichome Kings' The Mandala Effect Beschreibung

The Mandala Effect - Pink Taco x God's Green Crack Extractor Edition is a potent and remarkable strain that brings together the best of both worlds. Created by crossing the renowned Pink Taco with the legendary God's Green Crack Extractor, this strain carries a fantastic genetic lineage that guarantees a mind-blowing experience.

With a robust THC content, The Mandala Effect can induce powerful effects that are both uplifting and deeply relaxing. The initial high is characterized by a surge of euphoria, filling your mind with a blissful sense of happiness and creativity. As your thoughts race and your imagination soars, this strain encourages a burst of artistic expression, making it a perfect choice for creative pursuits or social gatherings.

The Indica lineage inherited from Pink Taco shines through in the physical relaxation that accompanies The Mandala Effect. As the high settles in, a soothing wave of tranquility effortlessly washes away any tension or stress, leaving you in a state of deep calmness. This strain is excellent for unwinding after a long day, promoting restful sleep, or simply enjoying a mellow evening in good company.

The fragrance of The Mandala Effect is a delightful fusion of its parent strains. Dominated by pungent notes of earthy skunk and hints of citrus, its aroma is both invigorating and refreshing. Upon inhalation, these contrasting flavors meld together, creating a symphony of sweet and tangy taste that dances on the palate.

For those seeking therapeutic benefits, The Mandala Effect offers a wide range of applications. Its therapeutic properties may help alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, while providing relief from physical discomfort, chronic pain, and muscle spasms. Additionally, this strain is known to stimulate appetite and combat fatigue, making it an excellent choice for those in need of a natural boost.

Cultivating The Mandala Effect can be a rewarding experience for both novice and experienced growers. With moderate difficulty, this strain thrives in both indoor and outdoor environments, producing medium to high yields. Its flowering time is relatively short, reaching full maturity in approximately 8-9 weeks.

In summary, The Mandala Effect - Pink Taco x God's Green Crack Extractor Edition is a remarkable strain that combines the uplifting and creative energy of God's Green Crack Extractor with the soothing and relaxing qualities of Pink Taco. Whether you are seeking an inspiring burst of creativity or simply looking to unwind and find peace, this strain is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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