Plant Stable
Purple Playground F2

Purple Playground F2

gezüchtet von The Plant Stable

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Infos vom Züchter

Purple Playground F2 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Plant Stables Purple Playground F2 ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Plant Stables Purple Playground F2 Beschreibung

The Plant Stable Purple Playground F2 Purple Playground finally makes its return to the market with Purple Playground F2s. The original Purple Playground drop sold out in the first hour at Labyrinth Seed Co. F2s are expected to drop exclusively with The Plant Stable and will be much more available than the F1s. For all those asking, there is ZERO Girl Scout Cookie (GSC) in the linage. The linage dives deep into historical powerhouse strains that have been known to bring flavor, color, and effects to everything they touch.

Flowering time: Most phenos are finishing in the 56-63 day range. Plenty of testers have found keepers that finished around the 56 day mark and some have even found phenos that are finished in 50.

Structure: Most phenotypes have a candelabra type structure with minimal stretch in flower. 1.5x - 2x. There are outliers from the Blueberry linage that elongate some phenotypes, but they will still have minimum stretch. All stems and branches have been extremely durable across all phenotypes. The same could be said about it's Internodal spacing, it cannot be beat! These plants will need their skirts cleaned and a good defol throughout flower.

Leaf to calyx: isn't the best with some phenotypes. You will need to clean this plants up of excess fan and sugar leaf so those buds can get all the light they need. This small issue is more than worth the reward you will have once flowering is complete. In saying that, this strain might not be the best to hunt in a commercial cultivation.

Pigmentation: YOU are guaranteed to find purps in each pack. All 10 might not be straight purp, but the majority will be! On average the flowers colors have been a mix of dark purple, pinks, and reds. Color in most phenotypes will start to show at the bud-sites as soon as day 7 in flower.

Trichome Density: This strain is hard to beat in terms of trichome density. Most phenos will looks like they're puking our triches from every place imaginable. It is easy to find a frost monster in each pack, but it is important to look at the trichomes under a loop toward the end of the plants cycles to better understand what you have. We have found that while some phenotypes took to have unbelievable trichome production their glandular bulbs aren't fully formed.

THC: THC has been reported in the low to mid 20s. When testing with 3B Analytical in Portland, OR THC came back at 24.7%

Terpenes: We have gotten a lot of feedback from testers in regards to terpenes and 2 words keep being said. GRAPE SODA
Terpene test from 3B came back with these terpenes being the most prominent: linalool, b-caryophyllene, nerolidol, a-pinene, & myrcene.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Purple Playground F2 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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