Sour Spyder

Sour Spyder

gezüchtet von Mdanzig

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Infos vom Züchter

Sour Spyder ist eine ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Mdanzigs Sour Spyder ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Mdanzigs Sour Spyder Beschreibung

Sour Spyder F1’s. Two auto-flower breeders join ranks to produce a brand new super-powerful auto, simply named Sour Spyder. Spyder is a 100% purple auto from "Black Creek Garden" seeds. Many years have gone into this auto which displays hues of pink, purple, and yellow. Its lineage is from Sputnik#2, and Lowryder. Here is the actual description of Spyder: A sativa pheno Lowryder male was crossed with a very potent white pheno Sputnik 2.0 female, from these came a very resinous purple sativa pheno sputnik 2.0 x Lowryder f1 female that was then crossed with a sativa pheno Sputnik 2.0 x Lowryder f1 male. In the f2 generation there were three auto-flowering plants out of about forty plants, one sativa pheno male and two sativa pheno females (one was purple the other white). The purple was more impressive so that is what was worked with. In the f3's there were twelve auto-flowering plants out of about forty plants, nine were females, and three were males. The nicest male which was a purple pheno pollinated the nine females which were also all purple phenos. Approximately one hundred seeds from the f4's were grown out, one hundred percent of the f4 plants auto-flowered. A sativa pheno male (also purple) was used to pollinate about twenty of the nicest females. About this time the name Spyder came about, which is taken from the Sp in Sputnik and the yder in Lowryder. Over the next few generations open pollination has been done using the nicest males and females. Spyder is currently in the eighth generation. Spyder is a sativa dominant, extremely potent, very resinous auto-flowering strain with an above average yield. Spyder flowers under twenty four hours of light and goes from seed to finish in approximately seventy days. The effects of Spyder are cerebral and slightly psychedelic, without being racy. Spyder has a berry/lemony flavor with skunky undertones. Canned abyss first started working on Spyder in 2005, not impressed with the small yields and lower potency of Lowryder, the goal was to create a sativa dominant auto-flowering strain that was a better yielder than Lowryder and just as potent as regular flowering strains. Spyder has exceeded expectations in yield, potency, resin production, flavor, and color. The making of Sour60 is well documented, and crossing these 2 together seemed like a no brainer. This is an F1 cross and many phenotypes will be expressed in this new Hybrid. Roughly 50% will show some very beautiful colors, and with the potency of the two combined together the buzz will be very different. The smells and taste are 90% fruity, as Bubblegum and Blueberry seem to be the most prevalent, with a lemony odor sometimes shining through. This could the one for you if you like something a little different. Some will be taller with very heavy production, and some will be shorter with more of a sea-of-green type growth. Either way this is cross we are both very happy with.

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