Conscious Genetics
Red Kachina V2

Red Kachina V2

gezüchtet von Conscious Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Red Kachina V2 ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Conscious Genetics' Red Kachina V2 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Conscious Genetics' Red Kachina V2 Beschreibung

Conscious Genetics Red Kachina V2 Introducing the Red Kachina V2 by Conscious Genetics – a remarkable fusion of artistry, engineering, and botanical brilliance. Step into a world where cannabis cultivation transcends conventional boundaries and elevates your growing experience to new heights.

Crafted with passion and expertise, the Red Kachina V2 represents the pinnacle of innovation in the world of genetics. This cannabis strain is a result of years of meticulous breeding and selection, culminating in a masterpiece that combines potency, flavor, and aesthetics like never before.

The heart of the Red Kachina V2 lies in its exceptional genetics. Its lineage boasts a careful selection of premium strains, resulting in a symphony of enticing flavors and aromas. With every puff, you'll be greeted by a delightful mix of fruity and spicy notes, leaving your taste buds craving more.

But the Red Kachina V2 isn't just about flavor – it's a true powerhouse in the realm of potency. Prepare yourself for an otherworldly high that begins with a euphoric rush, smoothly transitioning into a deep, relaxing sensation that soothes the mind and body. Whether you seek solace after a long day or an uplifting experience to spark creativity, the Red Kachina V2 has you covered.

The visual allure of the Red Kachina V2 is equally captivating. Its buds are a work of art, adorned with vibrant red hues reminiscent of a breathtaking sunset. Cultivating this strain is a pleasure in itself, as the plants grow with resilience, producing bountiful yields of these crimson gems.

Designed for both novice and experienced cultivators, the Red Kachina V2 seeds are the key to unlocking a rewarding and satisfying journey. The strain's adaptability ensures it thrives in various environments, providing growers with flexibility and convenience.

Conscious Genetics takes pride in delivering not just a product, but a lifestyle. With the Red Kachina V2, you become a part of a passionate community that celebrates the wonders of cannabis cultivation. Join us in exploring the boundaries of what's possible with the Red Kachina V2 by your side.

Please note that the Red Kachina V2 is intended for legal and responsible use by adults only. Be sure to familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations regarding cannabis cultivation and consumption.

Unlock a world of cannabis excellence with the Red Kachina V2 by Conscious Genetics. Experience the artistry, embrace the potency, and savor the flavors that await you. Your journey begins now.

Brand Conscious Genetics
Indoor / Outdoor Indoor / Outdoor
Flowering Time 9-10 Weeks
Genetics Hybrid
Lineage Pink Wafers x Red Kachina
Yield High
Seed Type Feminised

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Red Kachina V2 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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Red Kachina V2 Hybriden & Kreuzungen

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