Cali Connection
Delizie al Limone

Delizie al Limone

gezüchtet von The Cali Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Delizie al Limone ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Cali Connections Delizie al Limone ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Cali Connections Delizie al Limone Beschreibung

The Cali Connection Delizie al Limone Delizie al Limone Oh my lemony delight! Delizie al Limone sounds like a match made in plant heaven! It's like they took the elegance of a Wedding Cake and the icy coolness of Italian Ice, did a little botanical dance, and created this masterpiece that'll have you singing "Grow more, grow more!" in no time! Imagine having a plant that's like a magician – it's all about that yield magic, with a center kola that's so solid, it's like the beating heart of your garden. And when it comes to cloning, it's like Delizie al Limone is waving a wand, saying, "Grow, my pretties, grow!" It's like watching a plant that just can't resist expanding sideways, becoming this robust and full beauty that's practically bursting with life! And guess what? This plant is all about inclusivity – it's like it's giving a big thumbs-up to all types of training techniques. Whether you're into the LST dance or the topping tango, Delizie al Limone is ready to boogie with you! Now, let's talk about the grand finale – the yields! Picture a garden that's like a treasure trove of solid goodness. With parents like Wedding Cake and Italian Ice, it's no surprise that Delizie al Limone is all about those impressive yields. It's like it's saying, "Prepare to be amazed by the sheer awesomeness of what I'm going to give you!" And that aroma? Brace yourself for a symphony of scents! It's like lemons decided to have a party with a touch of hash, and then this complex musky citrus vibe joined in. It's like your nose is in for the ultimate sensory adventure, a roller coaster of fragrances that'll leave you enchanted! But the party doesn't end there! Oh no, not at all. Delizie al Limone is all about that lingering sweetness on your taste buds. It's like a symphony of sweet and pungent, a taste that lingers on your palate like a happy memory. And when it comes to extracts, hold onto your hats because we're talking about some seriously loud extracts. It's like the terpene profile of this beauty is turning up the volume to maximum, creating an extraction extravaganza! So, mark your calendars and get ready for a journey that spans 67-70 days of pure, lemony, and wedding-cakey magic! Delizie al Limone is here to steal the show and make your gardening heart skip a beat! (Wedding Cake x Italian Ice rvrsd) Flower Time 67-70 days

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Delizie al Limone Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Delizie al Limone Stammbaum-Karte

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