Philosopher Seeds
Chiquita Milkshake

Chiquita Milkshake

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Chiquita Milkshake ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Philosopher Seeds' Chiquita Milkshake ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds' Chiquita Milkshake Beschreibung

Philosopher Seeds Chiquita Milkshake Chiquita Banana is one of the most demanded cannabis strains since it was included in Philosopher Seeds catalogue. It presents a high THC content of up to 34%, with a distinctive ripe banana terpene. It is certainly a favourite plant of many growers. Banana OG from California offers a great track record due to its peculiar organoleptic characteristics, but it also stands out for its ease of cultivation. It produces compact buds and a generous production, notable for its gland and sweet terpene in cannabis resin extractions such as rosin, ice-o-lator and dryhash.

One of the great challenges of Philosopher Seeds was to continue working with Chiquita Banana. The seedbank used Kush Mints (Rabid Hippie cut) to hybridise it, the same variety used to develop Rainbow Runtz. Kush Mints is the reverse copy to pollinate Chiquita Banana. It transmits robustness to the structure and increases the size of the bract, as well as adding a powerful and reputed US Kush terpene.
Chikita Milkshake, cannabis with compact buds and big bracts

Chikita Milkshake, like its parental Chiquita Banana, continues to excel in ease of cultivation. It is not a plant very difficult to grow, nor does it need expert hands to achieve satisfactory results. In indoor cultivation it appreciates low pruning and does not tolerate much humidity once it starts to develop flowers due to the size of its bracts and compactness, certainly not airy buds.

Chiquita Milkshake offers an indoor flowering period of about 8-9 weeks, with a yield of over 500g per m2. Outdoors it usually completes ripening during the first 10 days of October in the Northern Hemisphere. It appreciates spongy soils rich in organic matter. Cultivated in open ground under optimal conditions, it can easily exceed a yield of up to 500g per plant.
Chiquita Milkshake, a ripe banana terpenes and intense Kush blend

Chiquita Mikshake delivers a fruity terpene with one of the finest Kush flavours. A smoothie of ripe banana terpenes, milky hints and a really intense Kush note. It is a unique terpene combination that will delight both sweet and fruity lovers and the most loyal followers of the US Kush terpene.

Chiquita Milkshake offers a wide range of sweet, creamy, milky and Kush organoleptic flavours with a dense smoke that certainly will conquer the vast majority of palates.
Chiquita Milkshake, powerful, creative, and relaxing cannabis

Chiquita Milkshake is a good choice for those users with more background and high THC tolerance. It provides a cheerful high that encourages socialising. However, in a short time Kush takes over the effect, making it an extremely relaxing strain for the evening, cinema, and the couch, but it can also stimulate the mind, making it a truly inspiring and creative tool at times.
Philosopher Seeds Chiquita Milkshake info:

Genetics: Chiquita Banana x Kush Mints
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October Content
THC: Very High (>25%)
Indoor yield: High (500g per m2)
Outdoor yield: High (500g per plant)

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