Greenpoint Seeds
Black Banana Chem

Black Banana Chem

gezüchtet von Greenpoint Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Black Banana Chem ist eine unknown Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. Greenpoint Seeds' Black Banana Chem ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Greenpoint Seeds' Black Banana Chem Beschreibung

Greenpoint Seeds Black Banana Chem Black Banana Chem is a pheno hunter’s dream. This cultivar, bred by Greenpoint Seeds, brings together two unique and potent strains—Black Banana Cookies and Stardawg—to create a line of seeds that produce an array of elite phenotypes.

Black Banana Cookies is one of the finest Cookies hybrids, and has gained an enthusiastic following among fans of Girl Scout Cookies. Growers love the fast flowering time, fruity flavor, and excellent bag appeal of this cultivar. Greenpoint Seeds crossed its renowned Stardawg stud with Solfire Gardens’ Black Banana Cookies, and Black Banana Chem was born. Black Banana Chem brings together the best traits of these two strains—the sweet aroma and exotic color of Black Banana Cookies, and the hefty yield and funky flavor of Stardawg. This beginner-friendly strain is easy to grow and produces top-shelf buds.

Black Banana Chem is rich in terpenes, offering a complex bouquet that is both sweet and skunky. This strain smells of cookie dough and ripe banana, mixed with pungent notes of gasoline, burnt rubber, and skunk. Black Banana Cookies-dominant plants may be sweeter and fruitier, and Stardawg-dominant phenotypes may be more skunky.

Black Banana Chem is a flavorful strain that coats the palate with an array of fruity and funky notes. This strain tastes of tropical fruit and sweet pastry, with undertones of pine and soil.

This is a well-balanced hybrid that mixes the relaxing and calming stone of Black Banana Cookies with the uplifting, cerebral high of Stardawg. Some phenotypes may be more numbing and narcotic, and others may be more energizing. When consumed in moderation, this strain can be enjoyed at any time of day.
Growing Black Banana Chem

Both Black Banana Cookies and Stardawg are hardy strains that are easy to grow. Like its parents, Black Banana Chem is a beginner-friendly strain that is resistant to most pests and diseases. When provided with an optimal environment and plenty of nutrients, this strain can produce ample yields of grade-A buds that are potent, flavorful, and frosty.

This cultivar requires a consistent pH and a rich supply of calcium and magnesium. Growers can avoid calcium and magnesium deficiencies by including a cal-mag supplement to the nutrient schedule or amending the soil with dolomite lime and Epsom salt.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Flowering Length: 70-80 Days
Finishing Height: Medium-Tall
Recommended Growing Area: Indoor or Outdoor
Climate: Temperate
Difficulty: Moderate
Aroma: Berry, Cookie Dough, Fruity, Fuel, Grape, Pine, Rubber Tires, Skunk
Flavor: Blackberry, Cookie Dough, Fruity, Fuel, Pine
Effects: Balanced

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Black Banana Chem Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Black Banana Chem Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Black Banana Chem in unserer dynamischen Karte

Black Banana Chem Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Black Chem Rain Maker
Rain Maker x Black Banana Chem
Black Grape Pie
Grape Pie x Black Banana Chem
White Banana Chem
The White OG x Black Banana Chem

Karte der Black Banana Chem Nachfahren

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