

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

Zinger ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools Zinger ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools Zinger Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank Zinger TGA Subcool presents Zinger, a Sativa dominant hybrid with strawberry ice cream and cherry candy flavour. It is a cross between Sour Strawberry and the Space Queen Space Dude male.

It has been developed to offer a powerful fruity strawberry aroma. Zinger is a poly-hybrid between Sour Strawberry (East Coast Sour Diesel x Strawberry Cough x Razz) x Sour Bubble and Space Queen (Romulan x C99 by Brothers Grimm).

Zinger, a vigorous and productive hybrid
Zinger is a 65/35 Sativa–Indica plant with a tall, slender and open structure. To optimize our garden production, Subcool recommends starting to prune the plant early in its development, and then provide an extended vegetative growth period to form a well-branched shrub. SCROG cultivation is a good option to control its final height and make the most of the available room in our indoor grow tent.

During its flowering stage, Zinger produces long buds with an airy appearance that mature after about 58 to 65 days of flowering, offering an abundant yield. At harvest time, flowers are fleshy and initially whitened in a thick resin layer that can easily move to a darker purple colour with red pistils, a premium-class look.

Zinger - Strawberries, cherries and sweets: a very fruity variety
Zinger is characterised by its complex and intense gourmet terpene profile, combining a strawberry ice cream aroma with cherry candy acidic notes. It is an unforgettable organoleptic experience especially for fans of fruity cannabis varieties.

It delivers a high, entertaining and positive effect and can leave us confused in case of extreme consumption. Subcool indicates that Zinger can be effective to combat nausea, depression and pain, relaxing you at the physical level without leaving you incapable.

TGA Subcool Zinger info:
Type: Regular cannabis seeds
Genetics: Sour Strawberry x Space Queen
65/35 Sativa Indica hybrid
Flowering: 58 to 65 days
Yield: High
Suitable for both indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation
The recommended method of cultivation: early pruning, then an extended vegetative growth period to form shrubs
Aroma and flavour: strawberry ice cream, candy, cherry, sour

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Zinger Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Zinger Stammbaum-Karte

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