Puget Sound Seeds
Man-Go Kandy

Man-Go Kandy

gezüchtet von Puget Sound Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Man-Go Kandy ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Puget Sound Seeds' Man-Go Kandy ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Puget Sound Seeds' Man-Go Kandy Beschreibung

Puget Sound Seeds Man-Go Kandy Somango cannabis strain by Soma Seeds is a 75/25 Indica dominant hybrid with a THC average of 20%. Nugs are light green with a faint dusting of crystals and amber hairs making an appearance. It tastes fruity and tropical with a similar scent that is more directly mango, as its name indicates. Somango can treat mood disorders, anxiety, depression, other mental illnesses and avoidant behaviour patterns. Best for evening usage.
Type of High
Somango cannabis strain's high is a shot of positive mood and a kick of euphoria, with energy bringing together an all around Sativa high. Dry eyes, red mouth and paranoia may occur.
Aka: Seemango.
Breeder: Soma Seeds
Genetics: Somango cannabis strain is a cross between Super Skunk, Jack Herer and Big Skunk Korean cannabis strains.
Indica / Sativa Ratio
Indica Dominant Hybrid (25% Sativa / 75% Indica)
Average THC / CBD Level
20.11/23.16% THC 0.56/1.00% CBD 0.05/0.13% CBN

The First Lady Who Named and Selected the "Old Man"
Pulled the plant from 1 of 3 a volunteers In her yard, she then kept the plant indoors and then Greenhouse for the last few decades.

The Lady Who Created Man-Go cut was friends with the first lady, she was the last of 11 people who ever had possession of The "Old Man" cut here in Washington State. She then Passed on this cut to me and my lady in a stressful time and asked that we keep it safe. We also received the original Somango Cut and the "Old Man" cut or aka Old Man Purps. a sativa Dominant thin leaf Purple Variety. We received The Old Man, SoMango and Man-Go all in the same trip. We Kept her safe and During a Pest Involved Situation (mites) we Decided That we needed to Copulate Her before we lost her. So with a Monkey Kandy Male from Genesis Genetics The Man-Go Kandy was Born! Only a Handful of Packs were ever Released!

The Man-Go Cut was from seed That was Created Through A Female Somango that Showed Hermaphroditic Pollen and Pollenated the "Old Man". the Feminized progeny ensued and the Man-Go was Created!

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Man-Go Kandy Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Man-Go Kandy Stammbaum-Karte

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