Botafarm California
La Vie Est Belle

La Vie Est Belle

gezüchtet von Botafarm California

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Infos vom Züchter

La Vie Est Belle ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Botafarm Californias La Vie Est Belle ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Botafarm Californias La Vie Est Belle Beschreibung

Botafarm California La Vie Est Belle La Vie Est Belle is a captivating hybrid strain that combines the potent RS11 with the energizing Red Bullz, resulting in a cannabis experience that embodies the essence of its name, which translates to "life is beautiful." This strain offers a delightful combination of effects, flavors, and aromas that make it a true gem in the world of cannabis.

The appearance of La Vie Est Belle buds is visually striking. They showcase a dense and chunky structure, adorned with a mesmerizing array of colors. The flowers exhibit deep shades of green with hints of purple, while the vibrant orange pistils add a beautiful contrast. The resinous trichomes generously coat the buds, giving them a frosty and glistening appearance that adds to their allure.

The aroma of La Vie Est Belle is a fragrant bouquet that captures the senses. It releases a delightful blend of sweet, fruity, and citrusy notes, with a hint of earthiness lingering in the background. The aroma profile is uplifting and invigorating, reminiscent of a sunny citrus orchard, evoking a sense of joy and vitality.

When it comes to flavor, La Vie Est Belle offers a delightful treat for the taste buds. It delivers a fusion of fruity sweetness and tangy citrus flavors, with subtle undertones of earth and spice. The Red Bullz influence brings a burst of energy to the palate, while the RS11 adds a layer of complexity, creating a truly enjoyable and memorable taste experience.

The effects of La Vie Est Belle are well-balanced and invigorating. It begins with an uplifting and euphoric sensation that boosts mood and creativity. The energizing properties inherited from Red Bullz contribute to a sense of motivation and focus, making it a suitable choice for daytime use or when a burst of productivity is desired. Additionally, the hybrid nature of this strain provides a soothing and relaxing effect on the body, allowing for physical tranquility without inducing excessive sedation.

La Vie Est Belle has shown potential for various therapeutic uses. Its uplifting and mood-enhancing effects may help alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, its energizing properties may offer relief from fatigue or daytime lethargy. However, individual experiences may vary, and it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Cultivating La Vie Est Belle can be a rewarding experience for growers. It typically develops into medium-sized plants with a moderate flowering period. With proper care and attention, cultivators can expect solid yields of resinous and visually appealing buds that embody the beauty of this remarkable strain.

Overall, La Vie Est Belle lives up to its name by offering a cannabis experience that is truly beautiful. From its visually stunning buds to its delightful aroma, delicious flavor, and balanced effects, this hybrid strain embodies the joy and vitality that life has to offer.

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La Vie Est Belle Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

La Vie Est Belle Stammbaum-Karte

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