Sumo Seeds
CBD Cherry Kush

CBD Cherry Kush

gezüchtet von Sumo Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

CBD Cherry Kush ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±74 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Sumo Seeds' CBD Cherry Kush ist eine CBD-Sorte mit ungefähr gleichviel CBD und THC und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Sumo Seeds' CBD Cherry Kush Beschreibung

A great tasting CBD strain. The CBD cherry Kush makes up her name with a high level CBD and a sweet cherry like aroma. We received a very potent Sour Tsunami ( Sour Diesel X NYC Diesel) and crossbred it with our Super Hindu Kush, we named this offspring the Tsunami Kush. Still we weren’t satisfied with the result and we used this offspring to further crossbreed it with a Cherry Kush. She tends to stretch although she has Indica dominant genetics. There can be some varia between the phenotypes.
We advise to give her a limited growing period in order to limit her height. If you love growing your plant in a scrog method, CBD Cherry Kush won’t let you down and is one of our best strains to grow in a scrog.
With a heavy body stoned effect this strain is an ideal for pain relief. The high CBD value in this strain is absolutely amazing. One of our best CBD cannabis strains in our collection. With a 1:1 THC/CBD ratio she has a high medicinal value. She needs some weeks to flower but she is worth the wait. We have invested a lot in this strain to achieve this and we know this strain will be a favorite among growers who are looking for a medicinal cannabis strain.

Type: 70% Indica 30% Sativa
Genetic Background: Tsunami Kush X Cherry Kush
Flowering time: 10/12 weeks
Harvest month:  March-November
Zone outdoor: B,C
Height Indoor: 100-150 cm 
Height Outdoor: 120 – 200 cm
Yield Indoor: 400-550 g/m2
Yield Outdoor: 650 - 800 gr/pp
Effect: heavy body stoner
Taste: fruity/cherry
THC: high
CBD: High
Flowering time and appearance:
With an indoor flowering time between 10 to 12 weeks she isn’t our fastest flowering cannabis strain. But in return you will get a powerful cannabis plant which can be used as self-medication. When growing outdoors you can begin harvesting in the beginning of November. When growing in colder climates you might want to consider growing the CBD Cherry Kush in a greenhouse. She has a Sativa appearance and tends to stretch. In order to minimize her height, you can reduce the growing period.

Yield indoor/outdoor
The overall yield of the CBD Cherry Kush is between 400-550 g/m2 indoors and 650-800 gr/pp outdoors in sunny areas. She is an ideal cannabis strain to grow in a “SOG”.

Effect + THC + CBD
With a 1:1 THC/CBD ratio our CBD Cherry Kush is a perfect match between THC and CBD. The high CBD value reduces the cerebral effect of the THC and therefore makes it an ideal cannabis strain for pain relief.

Taste and odor
The taste is sweet and soft and reminds us of cherries. The aroma is fruitful.

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