Super Nova OG

Super Nova OG

gezüchtet von BSB Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Super Nova OG ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. BSBs Super Nova OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

BSBs Super Nova OG Beschreibung

Super Nova OG – Possibly earth’s most potent strain.
Super Nova OG is a modern day super strain, a very rare genetic which combines equally massive levels of both THC and CBD. High THC strains alone are often too much for most users to bare and there is concern about the possible negative implications of too much THC with very little quantity of any other cannabinoid available.
Super Nova OG was created to produce equally strong levels of THC and CBD allowing her intense effects to be more easily managed and for a more pleasant and relaxing experience making her an exceptional choice for the commercial and the medicinal user alike.
Given that she was bred specifically to produce an equally high level of THC and CBD her effects upon the consumer are very relaxing and calming leaving you in a harmonious and chilled mood but still feeling creative with focus and drive. No need to fear feeling lethargic or tired if you consume her in the day time.
Weighing in as a strong 80% Indica she is ideal for treating a wide variety of conditions with just enough sativa present to make her high more relaxing & enjoyable than simply just couch lock. She can be used to treat depression, stress and anxiety due to her calming and euphoric properties, and also relieves muscle spasms and symptoms of nausea. However above all else she is widely reported to be among the very best strains for reducing chronic pain and inflammation.
Born from her breeding process, a crossing of Harlequin and Jack The Ripper then backcrossed, her flavours range from sweet bubblegum through to fresh herbs and spice with woody notes, a great complex range of flavours for your pallet to divulge into.
Due to her excellent cannabinoid profile and rich resin count she makes an excellent choice for producing extracts, oils or to decarboxylate then add to oil or fat for highly medicinal and flavour packed edibles.
To best experience the wide range of flavours on offer here vaporising Super Nova OG at a low temperature will give the best experience and is also a far more healthy and easy to monitor method of consumption for the medicinal user.
She typically finishes around the meter mark and will require topping to allow light through her dense canopy to increase yield.

Genetics: (Harlequin x Jack The Ripper) BX
Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks
Yield: Up to 550gm2 / 600W
80% Indica / 20% Sativa
THC: 33%
Flavour: Bubblegum, Spicy, Woody

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Super Nova OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Super Nova OG Stammbaum-Karte

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