Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie

Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie

gezüchtet von Purple City Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. PCGs Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

PCGs Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie Beschreibung

Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie is a Sativa/Indica cannabis hybrid, created by Purple City Genetics by crossing two trend-setting varieties, one one side we have the legendary Strawberry Cough made famous by Kyle Kushman, and on the other side, one of the best Cookies phenotypes for breeding, Key Lime Pie.

Strawberry Cough genetics
Strawberry Cough is a hybrid of several strains from different parents, created by crossing Strawberry Fields with a Haze, giving a powerful strawberry flavourfrom the Indica side of the cross and a strong psychedelic effect from the Sativa side.

Strawberry Cough is highly appreciated for its flavours and aromas which are a sweet and fruity blend of fresh Sage on a red fruit background in which the strawberry stands out. It has a potent high and a medium yield which is made up for by the high quality of the flowers.

Key Lime Pie genetics
Key Lime Pie is a selected phenotype of Girl Scout Cookies family, an elite cannabis plant that was initially only available as a clone and was worked to be able to be offer it to growers in seed format.

It is a strain that provides compact and very resinous buds that possess a very strong lime flavour with floral notes that has everyone who tastes it coming back for more.

Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie
By combining these two strains we can expect a mostly-Sativa plant with vigorous growth, well-branched and adaptable to the various training and pruning techniques as well as to the different cultivation systems, such as soil, coco fibre and hydroponics among others.

The flowering period can vary according to the phenotype being cultivated. The plants that tend more to the Strawberry Cough side will require a few days more to finish the cycle in comparison to the more Cookies-leaning plants.

Its large and dense buds are excellent for resin extractions or to consume in vaporisers, offering huge vapour clouds loaded with a cocktail of fruity flavours and floral notes.

Purple City Genetics Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genetics: Strawberry Cough x Key Lime Pie
Genotype: Sativa/Indica hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: 450 - 550g per m2
Outdoor yield: Over 600g per plant
THC: High

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