Spliff Seeds
Snow White

Snow White

gezüchtet von Spliff Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Snow White ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Spliff Seeds' Snow White ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Spliff Seeds' Snow White Beschreibung

Spliff Seeds Snow White We were experimenting for some time when we stumbled across this amazing Snow white pheno. A result of crossing our trusted Snow White (Northern Lights x White Widow) with a luscious Cinderella 99. This reinvented Snow White has an even higher high flower to leaf ratio, more compact growth and above all an even higher THC percentage. This makes here the perfect hybrid. She will form thick white hairs and will yield a large crop. First signs of flowering will show around the 3rd week. 2 to 3 weeks of pregrow is sufficient. She will stay nice and short with a length of around 60cm.

The buds are candleshaped, fat, enormous and have a greasy feel to them as a result of the THC production. The buds have been snowed under with resin and are real heavy weights. The main stalk is short and fat, which will support her heavy buds quite easily. She is a true Indica in appearance, shortstalked and darkgreen with oval fan leaves. Red stalks are quite common and often the juice flowing through these stalks is of a red brownish color. She is very stable in phenos with hardly to no variation. We have managed to shorten flowering time to about 8 weeks. Before it used to be up to ten weeks. She has few leaves so a delight to manicure. Snow White can also be grown outdoor. During both veg and flowering she is vigorous. A great plant for SOG in, for instance, a hydroponic system. Maximum yields can quite easily be achieved. A true cashcrop in every sense.

Snow White’s aroma is influenced by the Northern Light in a sense she has that typical earthy aroma, but with a hint of sweet fruit. Taste is sweet and fruity, resembling candyfloss. The high is truly powerful and narcotic. A real K.O. stoner. Medicinal value: muscle spasms, cramps, gastro-intestinal disorder, nausea, depression and stress.

80% Indica.
Genotype: Northern Lights Special x White Widow x Cinderella 99.
Earthy, fruity aroma and fruity, sweet flavor resembling candyfloss.
Massive resin production.
Medicinal value: muscle spasms, depression and stress.
Strong narcotic high.
Potential THC level: high.

Flowering time indoor: 8-9 weeks
Harvesting outdoor: September/October
Plant height: Indoor 0.60-0.80m / Outdoor 1.50m+
Yield: Indoor 500-600 gr/m² / Outdoor: 350 gr/plant
Growing difficulty: easy

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Snow White Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von 3 Gärtnern zu Snow White gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Blütezeit Indoor
54 - 64 Tage (±59 Tage)
Ernte-Menge Indoor
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist sehr hoch
Gesamteindruck Indoor
Snow White ist alles in allem überdurchschnittlich gut und durchaus empfehlenswert
User Bewertung
Snow White kommt im Durchschnitt auf 8.33 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

» Neu » bisher keine (homogen??)

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Snow White Rau(s)ch-Bericht

Unsere Besucher haben Snow White verkostet und ihre Eindrücke bezüglich Geschmack und Wirkung von Spliff Seeds' Snow White hochgeladen. Hier eine kurze Übersicht - und klicke auch auf die Kreisdiagramme, um eine genaue Beschreibung zu erhalten und ähnliche Cannabissorten zu finden!


~40% Hustensaft ~40% Honig ~20% Ahorn ~40% Chemisch ~40% Süß ~20% Würzig ~40% Bitter

Der Geschmack der Snow White wurde als durchaus Süß (oder besser gesagt Honig) und Bitter (oder besser gesagt Chemisch) und zusätzlich als ein wenig Würzig (oder besser gesagt Ahorn) angegeben. more

Effekt / Wirkung

~22% Leichtsinnig ~6% Entspannend ~6% Meditativ ~17% Psychedelisch ~25% Beruhigend ~18% Couch Lock ~8% Narkotisch ~50% Geistig ~50% Körperlich

Snow White hat eine sehr ausgewogene Wirkung zwischen Geistig (durchaus Leichtsinnig und Psychedelisch und auch ein wenig Entspannend und Meditativ) und Körperlich (Beruhigend; durchaus Couch Lock und auch ein wenig Narkotisch). more

Snow White Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen Snow White Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 4 Bilder von Spliff Seeds' Snow White gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere Snow White Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

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Kommentare zu Snow White

Alles in Allem haben wir 1 Benutzerkommentar über Spliff Seeds' Snow White zusammengetragen. Leider ist bisher kein einziger Kommentar auf Deutsch verfasst worden, deswegen zeigen wir dir hier ersteinmal die Englischen Kommentare:

- 12.11.2013


I have 2 different Snow White plants flowering right now (8 or 9 weeks). Theres no major difference in appearance or stretch but the bud formation is a bit different and theres maybe a 1 week difference in harvest time.

Both phenos are absolutely covered in frost, believe the description, its ridiculous how resinous it is, even the fan leaves have trichromes. The buds are dense and it looks like it will give me a decent yield (i have seen bigger buds from my sativas but they need a few weeks more...).

Also the smell matches the breeders description, but is not very spectacular (for the smell/taste i got Sugar Punch tho^^).

I cant say anything about the high yet, but i will chop them in 1-2 weeks and then i will make an update, including some pics.


After harvesting and drying i can give some more infos ;)

Both plants had a similar structure and height, with nice frosty buds.

One had a more open bud appearance but both plants had nice dense nugs after drying.

The yield was pretty nice, and with some bottom trimming you will get a crown of nice buds at the top, since the sidebranches almost reach the height of the main one.

But the most noticeable difference in phenos was the smell.

While one smelt earthy with a hint of roasted peanuts, the other one was a mix of an earthy smell with some sweet candy. I liked the taste of the second one better, but the other one was a tad stronger i would say.

And now we come to the high;

The snow white delivers mix of body and head high, but too much will lock you on the couch and make you lazy.

Personally i wasnt impressed by the strength (tho for me every strain is like ...meh, tolerance buildup sux :P) but friends that mostly smoke standard street weed or haze, said it hit them hard, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

At the end i would like to say that i wont grow any of the phenos mentioned above, but i will propably grow the 3 remaining seeds, lookin for a pheno with the sweet candy smell but without the earthy undertone.

I would still reccomend it to everyone who wants a productive plant with some great bag appeal.

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