East Coast Cultivars
Shepherd's Pie BX

Shepherd's Pie BX

gezüchtet von East Coast Cultivars

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Infos vom Züchter

Shepherd's Pie BX ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. East Coast Cultivars' Shepherd's Pie BX ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

East Coast Cultivars' Shepherd's Pie BX Beschreibung

East Coast Cultivars Shepherd's Pie BX The feminized BX batch of Shepherd's Pie produced some really impressive plants. They tend to bush up very nicely, but have wider internodal spacing compared to the F1s. The direction of BX has provided more Boston Cream Pie structure and expression, but the gritty and funky terpene profile is much closer to Shepherd's Pie.

Citrus and earthy notes dominate the terpene profiles. You'll most likely find citrus'fruity notes as the first and most obvious. The most common phenotype is purple and will have fat bulging flowers lining every branch. You shouldn't have to defoliate those phenos too much since they stretch very nicely for good airflow. The more rare phenos are the green types, which carry a lot of Shepherd's Pie traits. They tend to grow more like a sativa hybrid, as they captured some of this line's Jamaican heritage. The gritty, earthy notes on those phenos make for outstanding joint weed.

The high is very pleasant across all types, with effects ranging from calming to energizing. Purple ones tend to be more of an all-day, motivating type of high, whereas the green ones tend to be more sedative and medicinal. This is really great weed, in my opinion, as it carries some unique flavor combinations, a super pleasant high, high yield, grows strong and resilient, and doesn't require much attention. They're really forgiving and throw down a nice harvest, pretty much guaranteed.

Bloom time: 60 to 77 days

Stretch: 2x - 3x

Effect: hybrid

Yield: heavy

Aromas/flavors: citrus, earth, cheesy vanilla, soap,

Lineage: Shepherd's Pie #6 x Boston Cream Pie

Extended lineage: (Boston Cream Pie x Eastcoasterlamb) x (Mendocino Ménage a Trois x Putang)

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Shepherd's Pie BX Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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