Elev8 Seeds
Runtz Of Eden

Runtz Of Eden

gezüchtet von Elev8 Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Runtz Of Eden ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Elev8 Seeds' Runtz Of Eden ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Elev8 Seeds' Runtz Of Eden Beschreibung

Elev8 Seeds Runtz Of Eden On the one hand Runtz, an incredible marijuana plant with high THC levels of up to 29% and a very special jelly bean flavour. It is the cross between Zkittlez x Gelato33, two champions in flavours that provide Runtz with its tropical flavour with citric notes and sour berries accompanied by a spicy pineapple touch, a real fruit cocktail.

On the other hand Forbidden Fruit, a variety that offers one of the most powerful flavours in violet/purple coloured strains, also highlighting its ripe fruit flavour with citric notes.

Runtz Of Eden cultivation
Runtz of Eden is an easy to cultivate cannabis plant, which provided with a balanced nutrition and the right growing conditions can produce some amazing results.

It is a plant that adapts well to indoor and outdoor cultivation. In indoor cultivation, different pruning methods can be applied, either apical pruning or topping for SCROG cultivation. Also low pruning for SOG cultivation. Outdoors provided with an abundant substrate quantity and optimal growing conditions, it will transform into a strain of great calibre and production.

Runtz of Eden offers a true flowering delight. It presents different phenotypes that expand the genetic map of this strain. We find a phenotype very similar to the original clone by Forbidden Fruit, others that resemble Runtz and also phenotypes that perfectly blend both genetics. Definitely a great opportunity to select and preserve mothers for future use.

Runtz Of Eden has a flowering period of about 9 weeks, producing large and compact buds in a yield of up to 450-550g per m2 for indoor growing, and even exceeding 800g per plant outdoors with the harvest ready in October.

It offers aromas and flavours directly inherited from its ancestors, in a combination of a powerful sweetness in a ripe fruit base with exotic biscuits and a fruity and sweeties terpenes load. Certainly a delight to the palate where the flavours burst and become a feast for the taste buds.

Runtz Of Eden has a powerful, active, euphoric and cheerful high with relaxing and long lasting effects.

Elev8 Seeds Runtz Of Eden info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Runtz x Forbidden Fruit
Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
Indoor yield: 450-550g per m2
Outdoor yield: 800g per plant
THC: High

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Runtz Of Eden Galerie

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Runtz Of Eden Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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