Paradise Seeds
Purple Mints

Purple Mints

gezüchtet von Paradise Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Purple Mints ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Paradise Seeds' Purple Mints ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Paradise Seeds' Purple Mints Beschreibung

For indica fans who relish the couch lock effect, Purple Mints is in the tradition of some of Paradise’s big hit indica strains.
It comes with a warning due to its extreme potency, and is recommended for experienced consumers only.
It’s not just the potency (22% THC) of this Cali strain that will appeal to growers.
The result of a cross between two specially selected phenos, this plant has an incredible terpene profile, one which is unique, complex and full of flavor surprises.

The lineage of Purple Mints is Purple Kush x Skunk #1 x Cookies. From the Kush x Skunk cross a very special phenotype was chosen for its particularly complex terpene profile. This was crossed with a selected Cookies specimen which brings a sweetness to the flavoring as well as its own injection of potency.

The Purple Mints terpene profile is sure to impress the knowledgeable grower who will appreciate the unique cocktail of aromas and flavors present in the grow room. Dried buds have the smell of fresh baked banana bread, but crush the bud between the fingers and be prepared, for you will unleash the aroma genie and fill the room with a stinky, but fruity, pungency that hangs heavy in the air.

The initial taste is of strawberries, giving way to layers of sweetness and banana. The aftertaste, which stays pleasantly in the mouth for a long time, is a swirl of mint, pine and eucalyptus with hints of gas (fuel).


Purple Mints is a versatile and adaptable indica strain. It displays a classic indica growth pattern with most of the growing taking place in the veg stage. The Paradise breeding team’s recommendation for this plant is to fill up the grow space as much as possible while it is vegging. Pruning the branches will open up the bud sites and accelerate big flower development. In the flowering stage this plant is very nutrient hungry and it is advised to let it run its full course before harvesting in order to fully benefit from its bountiful rewards.

In a Mediterranean and dry heat environment, Purple Mints will effortlessly achieve its growth potential. As a bushy indica, growers in more cool and humid conditions will naturally face more of a risk from mold, however with a rich seam of legacy skunk running through this strain and an early outdoor finish, this indica is better prepared than many to face the challenges of wet Autumn weather.

The buds are a manicurist’s dream providing a very quick and easy trim. However, it is their ample size, rock hardness and weighty density which will really impress the grower. The buds present themselves in a very appealing way with purples, oranges and resinous whiteness combining to produce a very attractive palette of colors.

Indoor Yield: 650 g per m²
Outdoor Yield: 900 g per plant

The THC levels are at 22%, but that doesn’t tell the full story, as the power of this plant comes from the sum of its parts. The entourage effect brings on an early rush of euphoria which quickly gives way to a powerful heaviness and even experienced consumers will feel the magnetic pull of its sedative influence. Consumed in larger volumes, Purple Mints will send the user into the deep sleep of a bear hibernating through winter.

The extreme relaxation of this strain comes with the already mentioned warning and is not advised for patients who have limited experience with cannabis. Nevertheless, the sedative effect will be a welcome attribute for some and anti-anxiety properties may also be of interest for some consumers.

Suitable for growing outside between 50º n.L. and 50º s.L., the cannabis seeds of the Purple Mints strain produces plants that will finish in early October outdoors between 50º n.L. and 50º s.L. Indoors, it will be ready after 60 – 65 days.

Estimated yield is 650 grams per m² indoors / 900 grams per plant outdoors.

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