Original Auto Jack Herer

Original Auto Jack Herer

gezüchtet von Fast Buds Company

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Infos vom Züchter

Original Auto Jack Herer ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±63 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. FastBuds' Original Auto Jack Herer ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

FastBuds' Original Auto Jack Herer Beschreibung

Fast Buds Company Original Auto Jack Herer Genes: Mostly Sativa
Genetics: Jack Herer Autoflowering
Flowering: 9 weeks
Harvest: 400-500gr/m2
Height: 70-90 cm
THC: Up to 21%
CBD: Very Low
Autoflowering: Yes

The multiple award winning strain. A perfectly sized, sativa dominant plant with impressive yields. THC levels can hit the 21% mark, however her effects are a true representation of indica and sativa and will be very pleasant and not overpowering. Despite her short lifespan of 9 weeks, yields of 400-500gr/m2 can be expected. Big flavors and big yields are one thing this autoflowering variety certainly offers, making her perfect for commercial growers.

Bud description
Her buds are long and fat with a mass of swollen calyxes that are heavy set throughout the bud. The buds are very large and coated with bright orange hairs and drenched with trichomes. A truly impressive specimen that resembles more sativa in structure as she has such a large size and density.

Smoke report
The effects after smoking Original Auto Jack Herer are very pleasant and allow you to quickly unwind, while maintaining a focused and alert mindset. As she is a fine balance of indica and sativa, she is absolutely perfect for smokers with a low tolerance, or are new to smoking Cannabis due to the upbeat and euphoric effects. Also a great strain for waking up with a clear head and getting through a long day stress free, and works fantastically for gaming, musicians and artists.

Plant Appearance
A medium sized strain that will grow between 70-90cm in height, despite her sativa background, growers with short spaces can produce exceptional yields of beautiful buds. As she flowers, her growth structure will be multi side branches that over the space of 9 weeks to fill out from top to bottom.

When she starts flowering, there will be a prolific amount of white pistils, that will be an indication of how productive this girl is. Trichomes ooze from every part of the buds, meaning this strain is strongly recommended for hash heads. She produces a wonderful aroma when blooming that can be described as peppery, spicy, fruity with a hint of mango and citrus.

Grow Tips
Original Auto Jack Herer can be grown closely together in a Sea of Green, and also be grown multiple times per years outdoors. She performs very well outdoors with colder weather, however can achieve outstanding results in a hot climate. She may take a little longer to trim the buds than normal, yet will reward you will an abundance of sugar leaf so get your trim buckets ready.

A sincerely unique combination that takes on an earthy sweet, smooth spiced, pepper and citrus edge. A very savory sweet flavor that expresses the full spectrum of floral and fruit terpenes. A mix of sweet, peppery, fruity and spicy.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Original Auto Jack Herer Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von einem Gärtner zu Original Auto Jack Herer gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Gesamteindruck Indoor
Original Auto Jack Herer ist alles in allem absolut Irre und unbedingt Empfehlenswert
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist stark und wirkt anhaltend
User Bewertung
Original Auto Jack Herer kommt im Durchschnitt auf 9.00 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

» Neu » bisher keine (homogen??)

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Original Auto Jack Herer Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Original Auto Jack Herer Stammbaum-Karte

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