South Bay Genetics
Gelato OG

Gelato OG

gezüchtet von South Bay Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Gelato OG ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. South Bay Genetics' Gelato OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

South Bay Genetics' Gelato OG Beschreibung

South Bay Genetics Gelato OG Gelato OG is an exquisite and potent cannabis strain that emerges from a carefully crafted genetic fusion. This hybrid marvel is the result of crossing the renowned Gelato 42 Clone Only with the formidable Lee Roy OG Male, skillfully orchestrated by the breeders at South Bay Genetics. This marriage of genetics brings together two powerhouse strains, creating a unique and robust cultivar that captures the best of both worlds.

The Gelato 42 Clone Only, celebrated for its delectable flavor profile and euphoric effects, lends its sweet and fruity essence to Gelato OG. Users can expect to encounter a delightful combination of dessert-like flavors, with hints of berry, citrus, and a creamy undertone that lingers on the palate.

On the other side of the genetic equation, the Lee Roy OG Male contributes its strong and resilient characteristics. This strain is known for its robust growth patterns, high resin production, and a classic OG Kush backbone that introduces a touch of earthiness and pine to the overall flavor profile.

As a result of this carefully curated genetic dance, Gelato OG emerges as a well-balanced hybrid with a harmonious blend of sativa and indica traits. The high THC content inherited from both parent strains ensures a powerful and long-lasting experience. Users can anticipate a euphoric and uplifting onset that gradually gives way to a relaxing body high, making Gelato OG a versatile choice for both recreational and medicinal users.

The plant itself is likely to exhibit a visually appealing structure, with dense, frosty buds showcasing the strain's potency. Growers can expect a moderate flowering time and a yield that reflects the strain's hybrid vigor.

Gelato OG stands as a testament to the artistry of cannabis breeding. With its enticing flavors, potent effects, and well-rounded genetic lineage, Gelato OG is a standout cultivar that offers a memorable and enjoyable cannabis experience for enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

Mother: Gelato 42 (Clone Only)
Fatgher: Lee Roy OG F2

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Gelato OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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