Blim Burn Seeds
Gator Breath

Gator Breath

gezüchtet von Blim Burn Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Gator Breath ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Blim Burn Seeds' Gator Breath ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Blim Burn Seeds' Gator Breath Beschreibung

Blim Burn Seeds Gator Breath Gator Breath parentals are varied and contrasted in the cannabis scene, Motor Breath x (Triangle Kush x Triangle Larry). It is a cross where the OG Kush family has a lot of prominence, appearing in different phenotypes in the lineage of the three parentals.

Motor Breath strain, its first parental, is a winner of the highly regarded 2015 Championship Cup for best recreational strain. It presents a dense Indica structure with rounded flowers. Its terpenes are earthy with petrol hints and citric notes.

Motor Breath then combined with a Triangle Kush and Triangle Larry cross. Triangle Kush offers potent wet earthy taste with a very narcotic effect, while Triangle Larry has a more pin-like aroma, with citric and herbaceous notes along with a sour aftertaste.
Gator Breath, a cannabis with a high THC level up to 33%

Gator Breath is a plant presents very similar characteristics to the OG Kush lineage, but with some twists that make it unique. It has a compact structure and is easy to grow. Its production is high, not only in flowers quantity but also in what they store inside. It produces many terpenes, cannabinoids and trichomes.

Its aroma is reminiscent of berries, cherry. A sweet and fruity aroma together with the spicy and minty smoke generate a sweet, pleasant sensation both on the palate and in the nostrils.

Its effect is of great intensity, with nothing to envy to other powerful genetics. It produces an indecent amount of THC up to 30-33%, which is brutal. The effect is narcotic and Indica, leaving anyone who wants to try it flattened.
Blimburn Seeds Gator Breath info:

Genetics: Motor Breath x (Triangle Kush x Triangle Larry)
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genotype: 70 / 30 Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 8-10 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Mid-October
THC content: Very high (30-33%)
Indoor yield: High (350-400g per m2)
Outdoor yield: High (400-600g per plant)

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