Dr. Blaze
Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

gezüchtet von Dr. Blaze

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Infos vom Züchter

Cherry Pie ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Dr. Blazes Cherry Pie ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dr. Blazes Cherry Pie Beschreibung

Dr. Blaze Cherry Pie Mostly Indica | 8 – 10 weeks|18% – 25%

Every now and then, in the vast world of cannabis strains, we stumble upon a strain that sends ripples through the entire community. The Cherry Pie strain is one such gem, a tantalizing blend that gives us the best of its lineage – Grand Daddy Purple, Durban Poison, Sunset Sherbet, and Thin Mint Cookie, all wrapped up in a delectable package.

The paternal lineage of Cherry Pie comes from Grand Daddy Purple and Durban Poison. The former, known for its beautiful purple buds and soothing effects, was bred in California and has become a well-loved strain by users seeking relaxation and relief. Durban Poison, on the other hand, hails from South Africa, and is known for its invigorating, cerebral effects, effectively balancing out the influence of Grand Daddy Purple.

On the maternal side, we have Gelato, a strain bred from Sunset Sherbet and Thin Mint Cookie. Sunset Sherbet, with its vibrant, fruity profile, and Thin Mint Cookie, a phenotype of Girl Scout Cookies renowned for its dessert-like aroma, have combined to form Gelato, a strain that’s as indulgent as its ice cream namesake.

The cross-breeding of these exceptional strains has led to the creation of Cherry Pie – a strain that is nothing short of a cannabis enthusiast’s dream. It weaves together the best characteristics of its lineage, giving users a balanced and well-rounded experience.

Terpene Profile and Aromas of the Cherry Pie Strain

One of Cherry Pie’s most memorable features is its captivating aroma. The predominant terpenes found in this strain are myrcene, caryophyllene, and pinene, a trio that works together to create a unique aromatic and flavor profile.

Myrcene, known for its earthy, musky scent and sedative effects, is the most abundant terpene in most cannabis strains. Caryophyllene adds a spicy, peppery undertone to the mix, balancing the sweetness of myrcene. Finally, pinene is what gives Cherry Pie its fresh, pine-like scent, reminiscent of a walk in a verdant forest.

As soon as you open a bag of Cherry Pie, you’re greeted with the sweet, tart scent of ripe cherries, underpinned with hints of earthiness. It’s like being transported to a cherry orchard in full bloom. The aroma is so mouthwatering, you might be tempted to taste the buds as if they were freshly baked cherry pie!

Experiencing the Cherry Pie Strain

Lighting up Cherry Pie is an experience all its own. Upon inhaling, you’re instantly hit with a sweet, fruity rush that stays true to its name. This is followed by a subtle hint of mint, a nod to its Thin Mint Cookie heritage. Finally, a mild earthy undertone rounds out the flavor profile, creating a taste as complex and delightful as its aroma.

Smoking Cherry Pie feels like embarking on a culinary journey. Each puff is like taking a bite out of a cherry pie, fresh out of the oven, and chased with a refreshing scoop of mint ice cream. The experience is nothing short of delightful and invigorating, promising to keep you coming back for more.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

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