South Bay Genetics
Boo Boo

Boo Boo

gezüchtet von South Bay Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Boo Boo ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. South Bay Genetics' Boo Boo ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

South Bay Genetics' Boo Boo Beschreibung

South Bay Genetics Boo Boo Boo Boo is an intriguing strain that results from crossing the renowned Sweet Heat Mother with the potent ZaZa father. This carefully crafted hybrid cultivar boasts a distinctive genetic lineage that combines the best attributes of its parent strains.

With its eye-catching appearance, Boo Boo captivates users from the moment they lay eyes on it. The buds are dense and well-formed, showcasing a striking blend of vibrant green hues and deep purple undertones. These colors are enhanced by a generous layer of resinous trichomes, giving the flowers a frosty and shimmering quality.

Boo Boo inherits the delightful aroma and flavor profiles from both parent strains. The fragrance is an enchanting fusion of sweetness and spiciness, offering a complex bouquet that entices the senses. Notes of ripe berries, tropical fruits, and floral undertones intertwine with hints of earthiness and a touch of herbal spice, providing a well-rounded and enticing olfactory experience.

When consumed, Boo Boo delivers a well-balanced combination of effects that cater to both recreational and medicinal users. The high begins with a gentle cerebral uplift, inducing a sense of euphoria and heightened creativity. Users may experience an uplifted mood and increased sociability, making it an excellent choice for social gatherings or artistic pursuits.

As the high progresses, Boo Boo's indica lineage becomes more pronounced, offering a relaxing and soothing body buzz. Tension and stress melt away, replaced by a deep sense of calm and tranquility. The strain's physical effects can be especially beneficial for those seeking relief from pain, inflammation, and muscle tension.

Thanks to its versatile effects, Boo Boo is suitable for daytime and evening use, depending on the desired experience and dosage. Novice users may appreciate its well-rounded and manageable effects, while seasoned enthusiasts can explore its depths to find their preferred level of relaxation and focus.

Whether you're seeking a strain for creative endeavors, socializing, or simply unwinding after a long day, Boo Boo shines as a unique and versatile option. Its captivating appearance, delightful aroma, and balanced effects make it a noteworthy addition to any cannabis connoisseur's collection.

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Boo Boo Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Boo Boo Stammbaum-Karte

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