

gezüchtet von SubCool’s The Dank

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Infos vom Züchter

Astrosnaps ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SubCools Astrosnaps ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SubCools Astrosnaps Beschreibung

SubCool’s The Dank Astrosnaps Subcool presents here Astrosnaps, a much awaited variety by the followers of this North America seed bank. It combines the Girl Scout Cookies line potential with the fruity and acidic aroma typical of the TGA Subcool genetics.

Astrosnaps variety is a collaboration between TGA Subcool Space Queen male and Northstar Genetics bank seed Frisco Snaps, an hybrid coming from GSC x (Angel Hells OG x DeadHead OG) which produces buds hard as stones completely crystallized by a resin thick layer.

TGA Astrosnaps, fleshy resin coated buds
Astrosnaps is a 50/50 Indica – Sativa hybrid, a medium size plant with a stretch of x1.5 to x2 during growth transition to flowering. Subcool recommends, in order to optimize Astrosnaps production, an early pruning and staking and guiding our crops with tutors or meshes, helping to redistribute the weigh of their large and compact flowers.

Astronaps completes flowering in about 8 to 9 weeks, offering a medium yield. A production of large, very hard and compact buds generously covered with trichomes rich in terpenes and cannabinoids.

TGA Astrosnaps taste and smell resembles sweet fat cookies with lemon and cherry notes. The effect is relaxing, disconnecting at body and mental level.

TGA Subcool Astrosnaps info:
Type: Regular cannabis seeds
Cross: Frisco Snaps x Space Queen
Genetics: GSC x (Angel Hells OG x DeadHead OG) x (Romulan x C99)
50/50 Sativa - Indica
Yield: Medium
Suitable indoors and outdoors cultivation
Best growing method: early prunning, staking and guiding plants with tutors or meshes
Taste and smell: Sweet cake, lemon, cherry on a fatty background.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Astrosnaps Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Astrosnaps Stammbaum-Karte

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