Capitan's Connection
Wizzard’s Wand

Wizzard’s Wand

gezüchtet von The Capitan's Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Wizzard’s Wand ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Capitan's Connections Wizzard’s Wand ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Capitan's Connections Wizzard’s Wand Beschreibung

The Capitan's Connection Wizzard’s Wand Wizzard's Wand by The Captain's Connection Seed Co is a regular cannabis genetic line that produces flowers with a caramel biscuit aroma and a strong and balanced effect.

This poly-hybrid comes from two Cookies family parents, Blissful Wizard (Girl Scout Cookies x Captain's Cookies) and Girl Scout Glue (Girl Scout Cookies x Gorilla Glue) both of which have won awards for their great characteristics.

The breeders have sought to achieve a plant that respects the best properties of this legendary lineage, but adding new tinges and seeking the highest possible quality.

Wizzard's Wand, a hybrid with award-winning Cookies parents
This hybrid develops a prominent central cola surrounded by abundant secondary branches.

It produces flexible but strong branches which develop rapidly. This variety adapts well both indoor and outdoor cultivation, showing a high fungal and mould resistance.

It is ready for harvest in just about 8-9 weeks of flowering, producing a medium-high bud yield that will delight any grower.

Wizzard's Wand, compact and resinous flowers, with biscuit and honey aromas
It produces very tight and compact flowers, with swollen calyxes loaded with bright and aromatic resin that floods the nearby leaves. It is an ideal variety for hash extractions with water and ice or Rosin.

Its aroma offers a mixture of cookie-like nuances with honey and caramel hints. These aromas and flavours are especially perceived when inhaled using a cannabis vaporiser.

Its effect balances in a very pleasant way a physical relaxation feeling with an intense psychedelic mental charge. It is ideal both to share with friends and chat as well as to disconnect watching a movie or walking around.

The Captain's Connection Seed Co Wizzard's Wand info:
Type: Regular cannabis seed
Genetics: Blissful Wizard x Girl Scout Glue
Indica dominant hybrid
Indoor flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: first half of October
Yield: Medium-High

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Wizzard’s Wand Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Wizzard’s Wand Stammbaum-Karte

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