Pure Instinto
Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake

gezüchtet von Pure Instinto

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Infos vom Züchter

Wedding Cake ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±50 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Pure Instintos Wedding Cake ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Pure Instintos Wedding Cake Beschreibung

Wedding Cake is the result of the combination between the legendary Triangle Kush and a selected male of the Animal Mints. The outcome is a mouth-watering indica-dominant hybrid that stands out for her pronounced flavor and her potent effect.

This strain is not only known for its dankest hit but also for its harsh taste upon combustion and smoking. You might experience a sore throat as well. Even before you get accustomed to this taste, it dissipates quickly as earthy and soil undertones takeover.

Organoleptic properties

If you keep the smoke in your mouth for longer, you can taste the vanilla flavors exploding with a super subtle creamy mouthfeel that some might compare to the taste of a cake. I would recommend you to puff on this strain through a vaporizer on low-temperature settings or through a joint. Only then, you'll be able to get the perfect and the most flavorful hit of it.

Its vanilla aroma gives it its name together with some citrus and earthy aromas. It is one of the most powerful varieties in terms of THC. Its sedative and very relaxing effect stand out. Not suitable for beginners


Wedding Cake's effects are extremely potent, starting as an invigorating, euphoric buzz before settling into a fully relaxing body stone. THC levels of up to 32% make the strain highly interesting from a therapeutic point of view. Not suitable for beginners.

Growing traits

Wedding Cake has an Indica-leaning growth profile. It is short and sturdy, allowing growers to cultivate it in various environments. In flowering stands out for its enormous vegetative vigor, branching capacity and good production. It can double its size when it enters the productive phase, dense flowers completely covered with aromatic resin.

And, at harvest, it produces dense buds that look close to solid. It carries a little bit of weight when placed in the palm of one’s hand. As for its colors, it generally produces a forest green hue that grows darker as it develops a purple undertone.

Seasoned growers, however, may use advanced growing techniques like the Sea of Green. This method takes advantage of Wedding Cake’s stoutness and maximizes small growing spaces by sowing at least four seeds in a single square meter then coaxing a single bud as it grows. It shortens the vegetative phase without sacrificing yields.

It has dense foliage that grows thicker as more leaves and buds sprout. Take care of the moisture that could stick to its crevices and then develop into mold or mildew.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Wedding Cake Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Wedding Cake Stammbaum-Karte

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