Anesia Seeds
Sun of a Peach

Sun of a Peach

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Sun of a Peach ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±53 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Sun of a Peach ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Sun of a Peach Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Sun of a Peach Step into a realm of serene creativity and unparalleled tranquility with Sun of a Peach, an exceptional feminized strain that epitomizes the perfect synergy between relaxation and imaginative stimulation. This unique variety is the progeny of two exceptionally potent and diverse strains, Gorilla Piss and Permanent Marker, weaving together a genetic tapestry that is predominantly Indica (70%) with a touch of Sativa (30%). Sun of a Peach is the embodiment of a serene retreat and a creative muse, designed for those who seek to enrich their sensory experiences and elevate their state of mind.

Sun of a Peach inherits its remarkable qualities from two dynamic strains. Permanent Marker, an indica-dominant hybrid, is a concoction of Biscotti, Jealousy, and Sherbet BX, offering a perfect daytime retreat. Gorilla Piss, the other half of this genetic marvel, is a balanced hybrid derived from GG4 and Norcal Cat Piss. With a 50/50 sativa-indica ratio and a 37% THC content, it’s designed for the experienced consumer.

Prepare to be astounded by the potency of Sun of a Peach, with THC levels soaring up to 38%. This powerhouse of a plant delivers an aromatic profile dominated by peach and lemon notes, a testament to its vibrant lineage. Also a diesel sharpness, complemented by the dominating fruity tones, makes every toke an invigorating sensory journey.

Sun of a Peach is your go-to for flipping the chill switch and sparking up that creative engine. Feeling the drag of the daily grind or just looking to mellow out with some friends? This strain’s got you covered. And when the munchies hit, you’ll be raiding the kitchen like there’s no tomorrow.

Growing Sun of a peach

Cultivating Sun of a Peach is a rewarding endeavor, offering bountiful yields that cater to both indoor and outdoor growers. Indoor cultivators can expect to harvest between 550 – 600g/m², while outdoor enthusiasts may reap an impressive 800 – 1000g per plant. This strain is characterized by a rapid flowering period of just 7 – 8 weeks, ensuring a timely harvest by the end of September. Sun of a Peach exhibits a versatile growth pattern, reaching optimal heights of 100-120 cm indoors and 160-200 cm outdoors, making it an ideal choice for various cultivation setups.

Sun of a Peach is more than just a cannabis strain; it is a sanctuary of calm and a catalyst for creativity. Whether you’re combating the monotony of daily life or seeking solace in the company of friends, this strain offers a harmonious blend of relaxation and mental stimulation. It serves as an ideal remedy for chronic fatigue, mood fluctuations, and stress, providing users with a profound sense of happiness, an uplift in artistic expression, and a delightful surge in appetite.

Sun of a Peach invites you on a journey to a paradise where creativity flows unbounded and relaxation is deep and meaningful. For those who value the essence of laid-back moments and the spark of creative insight, Sun of a Peach is your passport to bliss. Embark on this extraordinary adventure, where each session is a step closer to utopia. Grab your seeds now and let the journey to unparalleled euphoria and artistic inspiration begin.

Genetics: 70% Indica / 30% Sativa
Gorilla Piss x Permanent Marker
Yield: 550 – 600g/m² • 800 – 1000 g/plant
Flowering time: 7 – 8 weeks
Harvest Outdoors: end of September
suitable for indoors and outdoors
Height: 100-120 cm • 160-200 cm
THC: up to 38% THC
Aromas / flavors: peach, lemon

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