Anesia Seeds
Sticky Boof

Sticky Boof

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Sticky Boof ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±53 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Sticky Boof ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Sticky Boof Beschreibung

Sticky Boof

Get ready to be swept off your feet by Sticky Boof, our latest masterpiece that’s setting the bar sky-high for indica lovers. Born from the legendary cross of Super Boof and Cadillac Rainbow, Sticky Boof is a potent powerhouse boasting a staggering 80% indica dominance that promises to deliver unparalleled relaxation.

Brace yourself for an epic ride with Sticky Boof’s jaw-dropping 37.5% THC content. This strain is not for the faint-hearted but perfect for those seeking a profound, deeply relaxing experience that melts away stress and uplifts the spirit.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Sticky Boof’s aromas and flavors. Each puff is a symphony of juicy berries and a distinctive gassy kick, a tantalizing blend that will have you coming back for more.
Legacy of the Lineage

Sticky Boof’s lineage is nothing short of legendary. Super Boof, a vibrant hybrid of Black Cherry Punch and Tropicana Cookies, brings intense relaxation, creativity, and a focus that’s both euphoric and giggly. Its chunky, deep green buds are a testament to its quality, regularly testing at 28% THC with dominant earthy and cherry notes thanks to the myrcene terpene.

On the other side, Cadillac Rainbow, the offspring of Pure Michigan and Runtz, dazzles with its gassy and fruity hybrid vigor. Its lemon and diesel flavor, laced with cherry and mint hints, is a true sensory delight. With a THC content of 37.54%, Cadillac Rainbow is the go-to strain for those seeking relief from pain, depression, and appetite loss, all while indulging in its diesel, citrus, and sweet flavors.
Growing Sticky Boof

Dive into a bountiful harvest with Sticky Boof, yielding up to a whopping 500g/m² indoors and 800 – 900g per plant outdoors. This strain is a generous giver, ready to fill your stash with top-quality buds.

Sticky Boof is all about speed and efficiency, racing the flowering time in just 7 to 8 weeks. Outdoors, be ready to gather your bounty by the end of September, just in time to celebrate the harvest season.

Whether you’re cultivating a lush indoor garden or embracing the great outdoors, Sticky Boof adapts beautifully, reaching heights of 100-140 cm indoors and 180-240 cm outdoors. It’s the perfect fit for growers looking to maximize their space with a high-yielding, robust plant.

Sticky Boof is more than just a cannabis strain; it’s a journey into the depths of relaxation and sensory delight. Ideal for experienced consumers, this potent, relaxing hybrid will envelop you in happiness and hunger, all while you bask in its gassy and fruity flavor and aroma.

Ready for the ultimate chill? Dive into the world of Sticky Boof and discover what true relaxation feels like.

Growth size

Cannabis type


cool, moderate

earthy, Lemon
Flowering time


extremely strong


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Sticky Boof Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Sticky Boof Stammbaum-Karte

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