Phoenix Seeds
Original Skunk

Original Skunk

gezüchtet von Phoenix Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Original Skunk ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Phoenix Seeds' Original Skunk ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Phoenix Seeds' Original Skunk Beschreibung

Phoenix Seeds Original Skunk This gorgeous strain has one of the richest historical backgrounds of any plant around. It is well known amongst the cannabis community and is one of the earliest known hybrids. It was first created by Sacred Seeds in the 70s where it was released into Holland and quickly became one of the staple strains. It has a wonderfully cerebral and powerfully uplifting effect which goes on and on and on.

Original Skunk was born of three impressive strains: Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold and Afghani. This genetic background caused it to be the first stable hybrid. It has also gone through several generations of careful growing and breeding and is constantly used as a base for new hybridization projects. The genetic make-up of Skunk results in a powerful yet delicious smoke from a plant that has a short flowering period and gives wonderful yields.

Not only is this legendary strain an excellent smoking experience but it is extremely easy to grow and the buds are of the highest quality. The only possible issue that users have pointed out is the smell. There is a very good reason why this strain is referred to as Skunk. The aroma can be extremely overpowering when grown indoors so it is important to ensure that the growing space is well ventilated. They aren't great for stealth growing outside, but if privacy isn't an issue then they are a phenomenal plant to have in a garden.

However no matter where Skunk is grown it will grow well, they especially love indoor set ups and a regular light cycle will produce extremely high yields.

Please remember that the cultivation of cannabis seeds is illegal in some countries; please check the laws of your country before attempting to cultivate cannabis seeds.

Grows: Greenhouse, Grows indoors, Grows outdoors
THC Content: High
CBD Content: 0, Low
Flowering type: Photoperiod
Flowering time: 9 weeks
Variety: Mostly Indica
Genetics: Original Skunk
Height: 100 - 150 cm

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Original Skunk Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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