Original Herer Autoflowering

Original Herer Autoflowering

gezüchtet von LaMota Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Original Herer Autoflowering ist eine ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±77 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. LaMotas Original Herer Autoflowering ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

LaMotas Original Herer Autoflowering Beschreibung

LaMota Seeds Original Herer Autoflowering Original Herer Autoflowering by LaMota is a 100% Haze cannabis strain in autoflowering version. This cannabis beast produces large amounts of resin. Her flowers are fully covered in huge glands, with unmistakable tastes and aromas. Those who love strong weed and the characteristic Hazey taste will find in this strain their perfect match!

All Original Herer Autoflowering phenos have a uniform, compact and well-built structure. Lower branches deliver excellent yields and, as light penetrates more intensely and evenly reaching up to the top branches, buds get fat in the blink of an eye. The main cola is large, dense and elongated. In adequate growing conditions, and if properly cared for, growers will obtain lots of potent, tasty, smelly, sticky, and quality flowers. Yes, an awful lot of them. Indoors, under favourable conditions, she could easily become 150 cm high while outdoors we recommend using soil and pots of about 15-30 L. In approximately 77 days from sowing, she’ll be ready for the harvest.

Original Herer Autoflowering smells of wood, incense, and pine. Definitely Haze. In fact, her intense aroma makes using quality anti-odour filters mandatory if you don’t want your neighbours to notice the strong smell coming out of your house. You can always opt for a discreet and distant place too. Her effect is brutal, only suitable for fearless cannabis heavyweights or regular consumers. Act wisely or she may knock you out. Not for rookies!

Technical features of Original Herer Autoflowering cannabis seeds by LaMota Seeds

Suitable for Indoors and outdoors
Sex Feminised autoflowering
Genotype 25% Indica - 75% Sativa
Comprehensive life cycle 77 days (from germination)
Yield Up to 220 g/plant
Height Up to 150 cm
THC Very high

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Original Herer Autoflowering Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Original Herer Autoflowering Stammbaum-Karte

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