Mandarin Panties Auto

Mandarin Panties Auto

gezüchtet von SeedStockers

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Infos vom Züchter

Mandarin Panties Auto ist eine ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SeedStockers' Mandarin Panties Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SeedStockers' Mandarin Panties Auto Beschreibung

SeedStockers Mandarin Panties Auto Mandarin Panties Auto is a cannabis variety very suitable for growing in small spaces and in a discreet way, like in a balcony or terrace. It has a strong citric tangerine aroma with relaxing effects in a fast growing cycle. It is the encounter between Mandarin Cookies and Pink Panties Auto, presenting a growing cycle of about 75 days from seedling.
Mandarin Panties Auto, a fast and easy to cultivate cannabis strain

Mandarin Panties Auto produces good yields, with plants that can exceed 1m, with a flowering period that starts after a month of its life cycle with the first pistils. In the 3rd-4th week, depending on the phenotype, it begins to produce resin. It is a cannabis plant suitable for novice growers and also for those more experienced thanks to its ease of cultivation, speed, low demands and good yields.
Mandarin Panties Auto, tangerine-flavoured cannabis with a cheerful effect

Mandarin Panties Auto offers its maximum potential provided 5-6 hours of direct sunlight outdoors, and indoors under an 18-6 photoperiod during the whole cultivation. After germination, it is recommended to transplant the plant to a jiffy or to the final pot, as it does not tolerate transplanting. In this way the growth does not slow down and the plant can develop in all its splendour. The Mandarin Panties breeders recommend the use of a good substrate, with a well aerated soil and some pellets or coco fibre in the mix. Certainly a good help to get great results.

Mandarin Panties Auto has a high resistance to fungi such as botrytis outdoors in humid areas, thanks to the aerated morphology of its buds.

Mandarin Panties Auto produces a very pleasant, bearable and cheerful effect that lifts the mood. It is ideal to start the day and also to end it in a relaxed way. An effect accompanied by fruity terpenes with tangerine flavours, undoubtedly a distinctive feature of this variety. An easy to grow genetic, with an excellent taste and great production.

Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seeds
Genetics: Mandarin Cookies x Pink Panties Auto
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Complete cycle: 9-10 weeks
Indoor yield: High
Outdoor yield: High
THC: High (25%)

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Mandarin Panties Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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