Author Seeds
Lemon Thai OG Auto

Lemon Thai OG Auto

gezüchtet von Author Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Lemon Thai OG Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±70 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Author Seeds' Lemon Thai OG Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Author Seeds' Lemon Thai OG Auto Beschreibung

Author Seeds Lemon Thai OG Auto Genetic: OG kush Auto X Thai Haze Auto
Full Cycle: 65 to 75 days from germination
Type : 40% Indica / 60% Sativa
Effect: Euphoric, Narcotic
Aromas: Haze, Cat Piss, Diesel

Its Intoxicating perfumes will take you on a trip from the wet lands of Thailand to the sequoia forest of California. Flowers can be harvested in 2 months from seeds. What are you waiting for to enjoy this feminized automatic strain from Author Seeds?

If you're looking for a resin monster that takes only 2 month and a half to grow. If you're tired of those low resin low aromas autoflowering genetics. Lemon Thai X OG Auto is the one for you with a diesel / frankincense perfume and a real medicinal punch.


Lemon Thai X OG Auto seeds will exhibit 2 main phenos: the first one possesses less ramifications, it strongly reeks of Cat Piss like some old school Haze. Buds have that sativa foxtail look with a medium floral density. The high is very euphoric and energizing like a good old sativa.

The other phenotype is closer to the OG Diesel offering bushier plants with buds appearing more Indica. A very refined terpenic profile like sugar dipped in diesel. A relaxing strain that lends a spark of creativity, The high is not crushing and can be enjoyed during daytime.

Lemon Thai X OG Auto seeds are perfect for a guerilla type outdoor cultivation, plants can handle poor soil and a high humidity thanks to their Thai ancestry. To tell it another way, with a 25 liters container with fertilized soil (EC:1,5), you'll obtain a good production of buds covered with trichomes. You can also plant the seeds directly in plain soil (low fertilized) but you'll have to add regularly some liquid nutrients.

This strain will need at least 3 hours of direct exposure to sunlight. If grown on a terrace, you'll have to isolate the roots from the thermal heat radiating from the ground, especially during the summer. Plants can be grown from the end of February till mid-October in hot climates and from the end of March till the beginning of September in cold climates.

Lemon Thai X OG is highly recommended for new growers, it is ideal for autocultivation on a balcony due to its little size and quick flowering period. You'll be able to grow several batches in the same year of a high quality medicinal cannabis. From the beginning of spring till the end of summer, you'll enjoy a strong medicinal autoflowering strain with a potency similar to the photodependent cannabis strains.

We at Author Seeds worked a lot in order to offer our 20 years of breeding experience condensed in a small seed. Before presenting this strain, we worked to ensure its total stability and its ability to produce in any climatic condition. All of this in order to meet a demand which is to create very resistant genetics that possess very strong abilities to adapt themselves to a lot of different climates without losing their medicinal value.

Through Lemon Thai X OG Auto, we not only present to you a big resin producer that exudes wonderful terpenes but this genetic can also stand drought, lack of fertilizers and a high humidity during flowering. OG Kush provides a powerful narcotic effect to this cross, a bigger resin production and more refined aromas. The Thai strain brings resistance to climatic conditions and a hazy aroma.

Purchasing Lemon Thai X OG Auto seeds, you'll ensure a fully rugged resin producer.

Translated by @daterpstranslator

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