Bob Marley Seeds
Gorilla #5

Gorilla #5

gezüchtet von Bob Marley Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Gorilla #5 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Bob Marley Seeds' Gorilla #5 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Bob Marley Seeds' Gorilla #5 Beschreibung

Bob Marley Seeds Gorilla #5 THC: 29%
Origin: Afghanistan / Colombia / Mexico
Type: 70% Indica, 30% Sativa
Height: 140 - 175 cm
Flowering: 63 days
Harvest: 700 - 1000 g/m2

General description

One of the stickiest and THC-richest strains ever known, Gorilla Glue, has been crossed with an equally potent Afghani Indica distinguished for its intricate fruity aroma and outstanding potency. The result was named Gorilla #5, which underlines that this brilliant strain is just as remarkable as Skunk #1 was in its time. A combination of Afghan, Colombian, Mexican and Brazil cannabis genes, Gorilla #5 has preserved both its coffee-like smell and thick layer of resin covering colas, sugar leaves and even the stem itself. Best material for making mind blowing hasheesh developed by Marley Seedbank!

Grow peculiarities

Adaptable both for indoor and outdoor cultivation, Gorilla #5 is a grateful plant that rewards novice growers and can become the queen of a professional’s garden, generously yielding sweet-smelling royal gifts. Tolerant to hot weather, Gorilla #5 requires more water and light if the purpose is to achieve its full glory. Expect a thick breath-taking odor on flowering. Out of doors Gorilla #5 is ready for harvesting by mid September. However, if at that point new calyxes keep appearing, a bigger yield can be achieved by letting the plant take its time.


A heavy stoning experience, Gorilla #5 possesses a great potential in cannabis therapy due to its analgesic powers. Seizures and spasms, nausea and appetite issues, panic attacks and hyperactivity disorders – Gorilla #5 works wonders against these conditions. Recreational use is by no means advised to newbie smokers, while old stoners are recommended to keep the dosage low for the first experience. The impressions from tripping are mostly described as “cosmic”. Mind that Gorilla #5 effects do not wear out for 3-4 hours.

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Gorilla #5 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Gorilla #5 Stammbaum-Karte

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Gorilla #5 Hybriden & Kreuzungen

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