Mephisto Genetics
Fugue State

Fugue State

gezüchtet von Mephisto Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Fugue State ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±73 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Mephisto Genetics' Fugue State ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Mephisto Genetics' Fugue State Beschreibung

Mephisto Genetics Fugue State Project introduction and Overview:

Fugue State: A Mephisto Twist on a modern classic.
Amnesia is a strain that's been held in very high regard for a long time, and with good reason too! Great growth, high yielding, a strong effect, which equals a high grade headstash with commercial applications. She has a lot of positives to say the least. Although nearly everyone offers an amnesia or amnesia haze in their line up, take a look at ours :)
We acquired several packs of Amnesia haze bx1 from Archive seeds back in 2015-2016 and without much delay got to popping them to see what we uncovered. We did this simultaneously again several amnesia cuts we'd ran, from elite versions to the local cut, we made seeds with all using our walter white as the pollen donor. When growing out the F1's the most consistent and quality plants were emerging from the Archive cross, we made our selection and continued on from there.
Another reason for this project was that we felt our catalogue was in need of more sativa options and we wanted to make an ultra high quality sativa strain to work to more future sativas. Walter white has been a firm favourite in the Mephisto house for a long time, it also has a dinstinct aroma and flavour profile that shared similarities with amnesia so we felt they would be a match made in heaven and we weren't wrong!
Fast forward 2 years and we are finally ready to drop our Amnesia/walter project: Fugue state. An easter egg for the Breaking Bad fans out there when Walter 'had amnesia'.
We're really stoked with the growth pattern and standout quality of Fugue state, Our walter white has added another level of resin to an already frost-ridden specimen!
For the sativa heads that want to get up to some day time mischief, this strain is the ticket. But also, buyer beware, don't over indulge as she will put you on your ass.
Strain behaviour and structure:
Fugue state is a sativa dominant strain that grows with very nice vigour. She forms a branchy open structure quickly, and as she works through her cycle her leaves become more slender and fine with sharp serrations on the leaves.
Despite the sativa traits she's fast flowering and matures quickly with bulk to boot, akin to something like C99. We're really happy how she's tranferred into an autoflowering variety, she will veg/pre-flower and stretch to around day 35-40 from sprout but then transitions hard into flower.
The flowers she produces are sizeable, with a compact density and adorned with white frost. Basically she's a lovely automatic spectacle to grow and witness developing on a daily basis.
She grows with a sativa structure and medium sized internodal gaps, devoid of much foliage her sparse leaves allow light to penetrate down and fill out lower flowers.
Fugue state is an adaptable plant that lends well to different training methods, however there's not always the need to go to crazy, and some light pruning of lower branches and lower fluff in combination with a few sessions of leaf tucking really spreads her bud mass across her full structure very nicely indeed.
Generally we've seen good mould and pest resistance, however if she grows a really dominant thick main cola, please take steps to ensure really good airflow and lower humidity as mould could be an issue in a really thick and dense main cola.
Fugue state progresses very quickly over the last few weeks, she will transition from a lot of white pistils on the flowers where you might be wondering how much longer she will go, to done! Quickly. Fugue state *may* also need support in these later stages.
Overall Fugue state is a really nice variety, not difficult to grow, productive, high class flowers that satisfy the full spectrum of growers, she gives commercial yields of a connoisseur headstash, just like the amnesia we started with.

Strain figures and info in brief:

Indica/Sativa: 35/65
In good conditions she will deliver -
Cycle time: 65-80 days
Size: 70-100cm Height/Width 40-60cm
Yield: 90-150g as a single plant grow
Best method for overall high yield: 6 per 1.2x1.2 space in 15 liter pots under a 600w - 500g is obtainable.
Aroma and flavour: Hazey, citrus with hints of spice and pepper
Effect: Uplifting, energetic and creative. However highly potent.
Best grown: Indoor/greenhouse/outdoor
Flower Density: 8/10
Cannbinoids: TBA
Medicinal qualities: Mood enhancer, appetite stimulation

Further info:

Ease of grow - 8/10 - Quite forgiving once established, quick growth and fast flowering.
Aroma level whilst growing - 6/10 Pretty Mild whilst growing unless disturbed
Trim ease - 7.5/10 - Pretty easy to process and trim at harvest time.
Frost Level - 9/10 Flowers get really encrusted with frost.
Bag Appeal - 9/10 Frosty dense nugs and beautiful aroma equal high high bag appeal
After Cure Aroma level - 7/10 - Aromas develop and emerge more heavily during curing.
Potency - 9/10 High potency levels, should come with a warning!
Concentrate info - 8/10 High amounts of resin and terps make for good extracts.
Overall Mephisto rating - 9/10 - Going to be in our rotation very frequently.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Fugue State Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Fugue State Stammbaum-Karte

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Fugue State Hybriden & Kreuzungen

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Forum Stomper x Fugue State
Spotless Mind
Fugue State x Cosmic Queen F4
The Mandela Effect
Fugue State x Mango Isle

Karte der Fugue State Nachfahren

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