Mephisto Genetics

Mephisto Genetics

Mephisto Genetics @ SeedFinders Züchter-Datenbank

Hier findest du alle Informationen über den Cannabis-Zücheter Mephisto Genetics. Wir haben Daten zu 74 Cannabis Sorten von Mephisto Genetics gesammelt (8 dieser Hanfsorten wurden von SeedFindernutzern bewertet - mit einer durchschnittlichen Note von 8.29 von 10!) Klicke auf die Sorten um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Reviews, Vergleiche und Quellen zu finden - oder lies dir die Breeder Infos hier auf der Seite durch um mehr über Mephisto Genetics herauszufinden. Desweiteren ist es mit unseren dynamischen Karten auch möglich alle Mephisto Genetics Sorten zu visualisieren - inclusive all ihrer Eltern oder allen bekannten Hybriden!

Informationen zu diesem Breeder:

Mephisto genetics is a brand new venture, and adventure.
We have been working with Autoflowering cannabis plants for over a decade now, and have been experimenting, breeding, cultivating and amassing a comprehensive knowledge of them within that time.

In 2012 we changed our lives and made the jump to Spain to dedicate ourselves and our future career to automatics, their development and enhancement by working with elite genetics.
You’ll find that our varieties are not generic auto x auto strains but fully worked from non-auto to auto over many generations. We do not believe in taking shortcuts when quality is at stake.

It's by no means an easy industry to place ourselves in, there are more Autoflowering companies than ever, but with a lot of persistence, the fruits of our labour is approaching.
Even though we have up-scaled dramatically from private to commercial scale, the exact same care and attention goes into the seeds we make today, as the seeds we made many moons ago in our closets.

We changed our lives to do this venture, we go through some turmoil now and then, but needless to say, we are super stoked to be doing what we are doing and only want to leave positive impressions and do positive things with our work. We've come too far to sell ourselves short.

We believe our Autoflowering varieties and projects are in a class of there own, We invite you to try our products and see for yourselves.